Thursday, 26 March 2020

Great way to ease stress for yourself and your pets in less than a minute

Did you know?

One way to help yourself (and your animals) right NOW during the Coronavirus scare is to simply limit your stress.


It’s easy: Try deep breathing.

When done right, deep breathing can help lower blood pressure and provide an almost immediate sense of calm, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Which can reduce stress and help protect your immune system.

And it only takes a minute to do.

Breathing deeply and slowly sends a message to your body (AND your animals) that “all is well,” even when the world outside is frantic…

This is my fav!

A simple, effective form of deep breathing is “box breathing,” with 4 parts of equal length, like a box.

Try it now.

Watch this and follow along.

Breathe in for 4 seconds.

Hold your breath for 4 seconds.

Breathe out for 4 seconds.

Hold again for 4 seconds.

Repeat up to 4 times total.

That’s it.

Please give it a try right now. Just do it.

I’m waiting… and breathing with you…

Did you do it???

How do you feel now?

Better? A bit more peaceful? More present? A little clearer??

You’re welcome!

Tip: Put this email in a safe place and refer back to it every time you’re feeling stressed.

It’s a proven way to feel better fast.

Stay safe. Be well.

BIG hugs and much love!



Photo by Elton Sipp from Pexels


The post Great way to ease stress for yourself and your pets in less than a minute appeared first on Val Heart.


Wednesday, 25 March 2020

The Three Fundamental Animal Talk Principles

If you choose to train with me in The Heart School of Animal Communication and pursue animal talk as either a career path or a way of life, you will find that communication with animals is a spiritual journey that can and will change your life.

Learning this skill will not only change your relationship with the animals in your life, but you will also see changes in your human relationships as well.

The way to experience these amazing changes is to understand the three basic principles of animal talk, then putting my simple three-step process into action.

In this post, I’m going to talk about the three fundamental principles of animal talk. Once you grasp these principles, you are on your way to bridging the gap between you and all the other beings in your life whether they are animals or humans.

The three fundamental animal talk principles.

Once you understand these three fundamental principles for all communications with animals, then you’ll be ready to learn how to send a message to any animal, anytime, about anything which is taught in the free ebook: Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Pets (get your copy here). Animal talk students get extraordinary results with these principles when they apply them correctly.

Principle #1: Animals see you.

3 Fundamental Animal Talk Principles Are The Basis For All Relationships

Okay, I know exactly what you’re thinking. (Because I’m psychic of course!)

You’re thinking, “Val, of course they see me! If I’m in their line of sight, if they’re looking at
me, they see me and I see them! What do you mean?”

Let me explain what happens when I communicate and connect with animals, so you can understand what I am talking about.

Have you seen the movie Avatar? It’s one of my favorite movies. There is a scene in it where the native people, called the Navi say “I see you”.

Simply, it means, they get you. But it goes much deeper than just understanding. They see the essence of you — your soul, your Spirit, who you really are. It’s deep, it’s spiritual, it’s your heart, your Truth connecting you with another being at a deep spiritual level.

So when I say animals see you, that’s what I mean. They are seeing through to the heart of you, your essence, your Spirit, the core of what makes you you.

Of course, they see your body language just like you do theirs. They watch you as you do them. But for them, body language is so much more. They are also reading your unique energetic frequencies and your intent, your attitudes and beliefs, your emotions and your thoughts.

A way to understand this principle of animal talk is to think about it this way: We are spiritual beings disguised in physical human bodies. They are spiritual beings disguised as animals.

So, Principle #1 is that animals see who you really are, both physically AND subtly. If your body
language is closed off, they sense that. If you are feeling impatient with them, they feel it. They see your truth.

The real question is, can you see them?

Look at an animal right now, a living animal or a picture of an animal is fine. If it’s not too hard, you can even do this with a picture of one of the deceased animal companions. Notice what you “see” about their energy. Take a minute and use your imagination to see their aura, the energy field around their body.

If you could see it, what would it look like? How big would it be? What color would it be? Does it seem strong and vibrant or soft, quiet, peaceful? Is it a solid field of energy and/or color, or is it broken, weak in some areas, strong in other areas? What else do you notice?

Are you ready to learn how to talk to animals? Easy as 1-2-3! Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook

Principle #2: Animals hear you!

Yes, just like how they see you, the way animals hear you goes beyond the sounds you make.

If you call their name, clap your hands, make noises, shout or yell at them… if they are within earshot and aren’t deaf, then yes, of course, they can hear you!

But let’s dive in a little deeper. When you are talking about animal talk, there is always more than meets the eye (or ear!) that you can hear.

There is a major difference between physical hearing and the more subtle hearing involved in animal communication.

Your tone of voice, volume, timbre, dialect, cadence, are all things that make up your voice and what they hear physically.

But think about what they are hearing when you stop talking. Subtly, they also hear your intention, your meaning behind the odd combination of sounds coming out of your mouth. The same sounds coming from someone else could have entirely different meanings and intentions,
based on the context, attitude, and beliefs behind your words.

Think for a minute…how does a parent know when their baby’s cry means “I’m wet,” or “I’m in pain,” or “I’m scared?”

Ever wonder how a parent actually knows the difference? It’s because they are listening with their heart.

So the real question is, are you really hearing them?

Imagine what might happen if you could magically put a microphone inside their minds, what do you think you might hear them say? What might they be thinking about? If you greeted them or asked them a question, what do you imagine they would say in return?

With the proper training, you can know the exact context behind the sounds they are making, both subtle and physical, on the inside and on the outside.

Principle #3: Animals feel you.

This animal talk principle could easily be the most important one. Most people overlook the power of our emotions in connecting with others. When I talk about emotions, I mean not only our feelings but the way we share our energy, our life resonance, our chi.

This is the BIG one.

Emotions are simply energy in motion. They are generated inside our bodies by our neural network and endocrine system, among other things. Then they resonate deeply in the body and are expressed through the body’s pores, scent glands and via physical expression like body language.

Unfortunately, emotional energy can get disconnected from our conscious mind and awareness. Especially in today’s society where we are constantly bombarded with media that gives us confusing messages about who we are supposed to be, all too often we are trained to suppress our emotions. We are pressured to be polite and politically correct at all times, and to put a mask on so others don’t know what we’re really thinking or feeling.

The result of this is that mentally, you may not be conscious of what you’re feeling in any given moment, and when you do, you are forced to suppress them.

When you have many emotions running rampant below the surface, you may not be able to even give what you are feeling a name or clear expression.

One of the gifts of animals is they can feel all of this. They feel your heart, your spirit, and all the emotions held and expressed through various places in your body.

Have you ever noticed that when you’re upset, or sad, or in pain, that your animal will act differently? Maybe they come to check on you…put their head in your lap offering comfort. Sometimes they will come to stare at you for a long time, trying so hard to share their heart with you, to tell you something they want you to know.

Did you know that animals think humans are incredibly dense?

They worry about us, a lot. They can tell when we are at risk of getting sick, or something is going wrong in our lives or relationships…and they do their best to break through our barriers so they can help us heal.

If you are disconnected from your body, animal talk becomes impossible. You can’t really listen or pay attention to your animal companions because you’re too distracted. When your innate ability to subtly see, hear and feel them is compromised, you become incoherent and confusing to animals.

Your task as an animal communicator is to help them understand you by simplifying your thoughts and gaining clarity about what you really want and need, as well as being fully present, mentally quiet and receptive. If you want to send a coherent, understandable message to an animal, it’s your job to do your inner work first.

Once again, the real question for you to think about here is… can you feel them?

Imagine looking across a room at a friend or stranger. If you immediately know or have a
sense of what they are feeling, whether they are angry, sad, depressed, excited, happy, lighthearted, or in love—if you can do that, and I know you can—then you really can do this!

When you really get good at it, then it’s no longer your imagination, it’s the truth and you become a real animal communicator!

Now you know the 3 Fundamental Principles to communicating with all animals: See – Hear – Feel.

Practice them frequently, with every animal teacher you meet.

Next, you are ready to learn how to send a message to any animal, anywhere, any time!

Enjoyed this article? Here are some other popular posts you might like:

Doggie depression: how to help your dog out of the blues
Healing dogs through mediation 
What is Bodytalk for animals?

The post The Three Fundamental Animal Talk Principles appeared first on Val Heart.


Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Time Travel is the Best Superpower to Help Abused Animals Heal

Just like humans, animal emotions can be both negative and positive.

Animals, just like humans, not only feel physical and emotional pain but can also feel and remember pain caused by traumatic events that have happened to them in their past.

The problems many pet owners face is not only recognizing these emotional wounds exist, and if they do, finding a way to overcome them.

It is unlikely that the vet you take your animal to will be able to help, and unless you are trained in the techniques that I teach in my masterclass, you will not be able to help either. No matter how much you may want to or how much training you do with your animal because you don’t know how to erase or rewrite history.

Rewriting History is the Key to Helping Animals Heal From the Past.

Over my career, I have developed a wonderful healing technique in order to help mend these painful emotional wounds that I call “time travel”.

A lot of people struggle with this concept, so to quickly clarify, no, I do not literally mean travel back in time physically!

Rather, what I have discovered is that…

Time is an illusion.

When I say time travel, I mean that I travel to moments in the past, using the memories and the minds of myself and animals as the vehicle.

Let me explain:

The speed of light is fixed, but time and space have to be flexible in order to make the world sync with the fixed state of light. Space gives us the concept of separation. Time gives us the concept of associations (within the body-mind or externally in the environment.) Light represents the continuum of the absolute—Brahman or the god mind—and the total awareness of the fully enlightened individual. Time/Space (sound/vibration—God) represents the ignorance of the intellect and the relative restrictions of life.

While this is a lot to grasp, understanding that time is a construct rather than an absolute, allows us to remove the barriers that stop us from going back and helping us mend negative animal emotions.

Once this is understood, we can begin to look at the idea of…

Expanding and Contracting Time

Using Time Travel To Mend Negative Animal Emotions

Our minds are linear, and as such we subconsciously organize our experiences as such.

In reality, time is more like a movie, which can be fast-forwarded, rewinded, or even stopped altogether.

If you think someone has plenty of time, it is because they have an expanded state of time. On the flip side, if you are always feeling rushed, that is a contracted state of time.

To understand this, think about the experiences that you have “lost.” This is also sometimes thought of as going into autopilot, such as when you drive the same route to work as you always do. One minute you are leaving your house, and next you are at the office! Essentially, you have sped up time by stepping outside of the regular time-space continuum temporarily.

At this point you are probably thinking:

“Val, this is interesting, but how does it help me heal my animals’ past and negative emotions?”

Which is a great question! Once you can grasp the idea that time is not as we perceive it, we can learn the concept of…

Past and Future Lives

Sometimes, both humans and animals will react in ways that we cannot explain. Emotions, phobias, and emotions seem to come out of nowhere and no matter how hard we try, we cannot change how we feel.

Our bodies store memories of significant things that have happened to us, whether they be traumatic, or positive. Regardless, they are stored at a deep, subconscious level. While some of these memories are from our current life, some are not. Rather, they come from our past life.

The same can be said for animals. While some animal emotions can come from experiences they remember, others might come from their past lives. I have even talked to animals who have told me about incidents that happened to them with their owners from ‘before’.

So to help mend negative animal emotions, we must sometimes go back to their past lives to help find the stuck spot.

Future lives can also impact us as well. Once you have mastered an understanding of how time really works, you can talk to your future self, and bring back will help you, and your pet, in your journey.

Are you ready to take your skills to the next level and truly master your animal communication skills? Click here to sign up for my Platinum Club Membership and live Masterclasses!

A Therapy Dog’s Own Struggle.

I had the privilege of working with a wonderful therapy dog not long ago. Her owner is a professional counselor, and her dog helps her in her practice. My client was increasingly concerned about her beloved companion and partner because, starting last fall, the dog had, for the first time in her life, shown the unmistakable signs of fear of thunder and loud noises.

When I tuned in and ‘spoke’ with the dog telepathically, I asked her how she was doing. She said it had been difficult during the past few months—she was nervous and definitely not herself. She had lost her peace and tranquility and was not interacting with people like she had always loved doing before. I asked her to tell me about thunderstorms and why she was afraid of them or if she could tell me what had happened to make her afraid.

Instead of answering my question directly, she shared with me that she had been having recurring nightmares. I asked her if she could tell me more about that. She was very frightened but was glad to be able to share these nightly terrors with someone.

She showed me an image of herself standing, watching her human, and then she heard a monstrous, thunderous boom that shook the earth. Standing wide-eyed, she then watched as great billowing gray clouds swallowed up everything and everyone she loved.

In the dream, she would frantically run and bark, calling for her owner, trying to get to safety but always losing her human to the ominous clouds as they blanketed everything.

Bark! Bark!

She could almost hear her human calling her, but try as she might, she could never find her. The therapy dog was lost and helpless, despairing of ever seeing her beloved human again, feeling that she had somehow failed to warn her of this catastrophe.

She wanted so desperately to save her loved ones but always lost them to the noise and that terrifying, all-consuming cloud. In her waking hours, she began being anxious and fretful, living in dread of any loud noise that reminded her of the awful nightmare.

As I watched and listened, I realized that she was describing the events of September 11, 2001. I asked my client if she had been personally affected by the events, or if she had counseled others about them, and she said yes to both questions.

At this point, we both understood how deeply this sweet, telepathic animal had been affected by our nation’s tragedy and our reactions to it.

It should come as no surprise that animal emotions are deeply affected by world events and tragedies, especially when they affect us so profoundly. It is helpful for all of us, humans and our animal companions, to discuss these things openly with each other, to share comfort and hope, as well as sadness, pain, and fear.

This is exactly what we did with this dog. A week later, her owner reported that her dog was acting less fearful and was continuing to improve day by day.

Through lots of open-hearted exploration, using the methods I have learned throughout my many years of training and education, we can start to bridge the gap between us and the other creatures who share this planet with us. A kinder, more communicative planet can start with you and your own animal companions.

Mastering this unique intuitive skill is important. Being able to communicate with an animal about their emotions will allow them to tell you about a past traumatic event, or that their person is struggling over something they’ve experienced. Once you know that, then you’ll know exactly what to do to help them.

Did you enjoy this article? Here are some more you might enjoy:

Healing dogs through meditation.
TedX talk: animals are smarter than you think.
Doggie depression: how to help your dog out of the blues.

The post Time Travel is the Best Superpower to Help Abused Animals Heal appeared first on Val Heart.


Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Exploring Animal Consciousness: Time Travel for Healing Past Wounds

Have you ever thought about the concept of animal consciousness? Did you know that, just like us, our pets have thoughts, feelings, memories, and traumas that they carry with them throughout their lives?

As years go by and these experiences are not healed or expressed, animals can develop anxieties and poor behaviors as a way of dealing with them. 

How can we help our beloved friends heal from their pasts if we don’t understand or know how to hear them?

A technique I affectionately call “time travel” is one of my best methods for healing the pasts of our animals as well as our own. Through exploring animal consciousness in this way, we are allowed to move forward with our lives, leaving past traumas and injuries behind us.

Perhaps the animal in your life has been abused, lost, abandoned, hurt in an accident, or suffered a grievous emotional wound.

Or maybe something happened that shocked them so deeply they’ve never been able to recover.

Maybe they experienced a painful traumatic death when they lost a loved one and feel guilty and haunted by what happened, unable to find peace or closure, filled with regrets. Humans aren’t the only ones who have these types of experiences.

As a caring animal lover or pet companion, you have the ability to communicate with animals—all it takes is commitment and a sincere desire to learn. Click here to check out the Heart School of Animal Communication and learn your path to becoming a master animal communicator! 

But…there is a way to break through and help our animal loved ones.

My time travel technique can help them leave behind the emotional baggage that no longer serves them and feel more at peace with the events.

When we practice this technique with sincere intention and an open heart, our pets—and us along with them—can finally take that sigh of relief, come back, center in the present time and let go of what’s been stuck like glue emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. They can feel at peace and be the animals they want to be.

There are so many amazing benefits for your pets when you, their closest companion, begin to open your mind to exploring animal consciousness. They have more clarity. More compassion for what happened to them and those who may have been responsible. They feel more whole again as they heal, evolve and grow.

A story of healing: a puppy finally grows up.

One of my clients, Andy, had had her black lab since he was a puppy. Blue was five years old when Andy got in touch with me. He was skittish, fearful, and terribly afraid of men, noises, and brooms. Interestingly, when I spoke with Blue, it felt like I was talking to a little puppy of about three months old, not an adult dog. You see, internally Blue had never grown up because he was stuck in his inner puppy state. He got stuck at a certain point in his development because of a traumatic event and injury.  

When Blue was growing up, a man attacked him with a broom. It scared and hurt him so badly that it shocked him. Like so many other animals who have trauma happen to them at a young age, he had no one to talk to about what had happened and no way to process the experience. So he could never let go of it.  

When I talked to Blue, I acknowledged his inner wounded puppy, connected with him deeply and invited him to tell me the story of what happened. Baby Blue poured his heart out, and I listened compassionately until I got the whole story. I noticed where the puppy was still stuck, so we went there and freeze-framed the video while we discussed it.  

When he finished the story, I gently and lovingly told him I was so sorry that had happened to him. I told him why the man did that (in truth I basically made up a reason because there’s no way I could really know that. But I was in tune with the overall energy and the man’s presence, so I could read the scenario pretty well). And I carefully explained that it was okay to let that part go now. 

I continued to share with him that that was then and this was now. Now, his loving person cared about him and would never hurt him intentionally. Also, I let him know that other men wouldn’t hurt him either; the man who hit him is in the past.

Are you ready to take your skills to the next level and truly master your animal communication skills? Click here to sign up for my Platinum Club Membership and live Masterclasses!

As we talked, the inner puppy began to grow up.

Later, Andy told me her dog’s behavior and personality had changed dramatically, and she felt like she had her dog back. The fears and skittishness weren’t as strong, and Blue had even met a man he was friendly with. They were still working on the broom problem but again, Blue’s behavior was different and he was making good progress in his training.  

Over the years I’ve helped so many people connect with their animal companions through animal consciousness awareness. I created my techniques from things I’ve learned from books, my own therapy over the years, and my education and training in BodyTalk, BodyMind Assessment, Remote Viewing, Akashic Records training, Reconnective Therapy, Dov Baron Institute, Quantum Leap therapies, and the Lionheart Institute. It’s one of the things I do very well and with great results. 

Mastering this unique intuitive skill is important because when you communicate with an animal and they need to tell you about a past traumatic event, or their person is struggling over something they’ve experienced, then you’ll know exactly what to do to help them.

Enjoyed this article? Here are some other popular posts you might find helpful:

CBD didn’t work? All CBD is not created equal! Tips for using CBD oil for pets and people.

Oh no my partner is allergic to my dog! What do I do?

Pets in vehicles: 11 things animal lovers need to know.

The post Exploring Animal Consciousness: Time Travel for Healing Past Wounds appeared first on Val Heart.
