Thursday 30 April 2020

Your Personal Pet Socks With Their Picture on Them?

Do you know about this?  We recently came across a company called that takes any picture of your personal pet (or loved one) and puts them on a unique one of a kind socks. How cool is that?!

My assistant thought it was a fun idea and so she ordered a pair with her beloved Poodle, Kenya’s picture on a pair.

This is Kenya

Pet Socks

           And these are our Kenya socks!

Pet socks


We love these personal pet socks!

We know you’re probably wondering how you can get your own pair! And we even have a 20% off coupon for you!

Want a pair of socks of your own with your little darlings on it?  Get come with your grandkids, mom and dad, BFF friends, spirit animals and pets of all kinds. You’ll be the envy of the family and neighborhood!  Wear them to out or to work and smile every time you see them.  You’ll love them too.

Go here to get them now! 

Use this code to get 20% off: valheart20

Show us your socks!!  Post a comment below with your pictures.

The post Your Personal Pet Socks With Their Picture on Them? appeared first on Val Heart.


Buddy’s Story: Our Experience Fostering A Puppy Mill Dog

On Sunday, December 1, 2019, my husband and I braved the icy roads of Mount Pocono to pick up a dog that we had agreed to foster for the New Jersey Schnauzer Rescue Network (NJSRN).  The dogs all came from a Puppy Mill.

Buddy was a 7-year-old male miniature schnauzer from an Ohio puppy mill. He was rescued along with 14 other schnauzers. Buddy had been at this present foster home for 8 weeks, however the elderly gentleman caring for him was having a heart procedure and wouldn’t be able to continue to care for him. We were asked to take a turn.

On first meet, Buddy wanted nothing to do with my husband nor I. His “fight or flight” mechanism was firmly triggered to flight. My husband, Bill, and I were about to be schooled in what a puppy mill dog really was.

What is a puppy mill? A dog breeding operation where dogs are basically considered crops and profits are more important than the dog’s health.  “These dogs rarely go outside. In some mills the animals are allowed outside for a short amount of time per day, otherwise the dogs get no time to walk or play because they are housed in small crates with little space. Being in a small space and not being able to be active causes stress and affects their development

Buddy was afraid of humans.

All humans.  He didn’t know how to come down steps and had only recently learned how to climb steps.  Buddy was afraid of doors and had no concept of windows and mirrors.  He didn’t play with toys.

He didn’t accept treats. You name it, we tried it:  cheese, chicken, eggs, hotdogs. Buddy would sniff it then walk away.  I would place it on the ground and leave the room, he would still ignore it.

We took this sweet but very damaged dog home with us. He rode very well in the car inside his kennel. We were optimistic about our new visitor and committed to helping him enjoy his new life. The meet with Ace and Mollie (my miniature schnauzers) couldn’t have gone better. They both accepted him almost instantly, as he accepted them.

An Introduction to a new life.

Buddy was a sweet soul.  Although he ran from us, when we would catch him, we could pick him up without growling. He never showed his teeth.  We could lay him next to us and he would stay, which was very unusual since he did his best to avoid our eyesight. I’d love to say it was comfort, but my Puppy Millgut tells me he sat still out of fear.

Puppies do not get to interact with other humans when living in puppy mills; they do not get treats or toys. Not being able to interact with humans can lead to behavioral problems.

We allowed him free roam on the first floor.  He continuously circled the perimeter of the house.  When he was away from the other dogs, he would bark for them.  Place one or both with him and he was fine.  If I moved slow enough towards him, showing him my hands and asking permission, I could pet him for a bit. He would not give my husband that permission, however.

After a week, Buddy started to make eye contact, although not for long. When Ace and Mollie were getting love from us, he would watch our interactions as if trying to comprehend what was happening.

This sweet darling had gone 7 years without experiencing love from a human.

While Buddy did enjoy being with Ace and Mollie, but he didn’t know how to play with them.  Mollie tried often to get him to play, to no avail.

On Saturday December 7th, our friend was visiting with her mixed breed dog named Rico and we got a glimpse of Buddy trying to be a dog.  For a couple minutes Rico and Buddy played, and Buddy even chewed on a toy for several seconds. Things were changing for the better. The joy that we felt watching for a brief moment this creature try to be a dog was so heart-warming.

For the first time, I knew there was a real dog in there!

Every morning when I would let Buddy out of the dog’s room, there he would be curled into the tiniest ball inside Mollie’s kennel.  There are 4 kennels in that room and 2 dog beds.  I never once saw him lay in a dog bed.  Buddy preferred Mollie’s kennel and would often go into it when he wasn’t feeling safe or needed a break.  I let him commandeer her kennel and placed her in another kennel when needed.

Puppy mills are unsanitary: the water is usually dirty, the food is not healthy for the dogs, and no one cleans up after the animals. Puppy mill dogs get little or no veterinary care.

Unfortunate, unforeseen circumstances… tragedy struck.

On Tuesday, December 10th, 2019 tragedy struck.  I received a frantic call from my husband on my drive home from work.  We had a delivery and the garage door was left open; however the interior door wasn’t shut completely and the wind blew the interior door open.

All the dogs got out.  Ace and Mollie stayed in the yard, but Buddy did not.  My heart dropped.

How do you catch a dog that is afraid of humans, doesn’t respond to his name, and doesn’t eat treats?

Not to mention, we live in a rural area with hundreds of acres of land.

My husband and I drove in separate cars around the neighborhood looking for him.  It was dark and raining.  There were no signs of Buddy.  A couple months ago I wrote an article on what to do if your dog runs away and I followed these guidelines to the letter.

  1. Placed his kennel on the front porch
  2. Called the police
  3. Called the local shelters.
  4. Notified neighbors
  5. Posted on social media.  (Berks Dog Search is a godsend!)

Within an hour we received a call from the police. A dog fitting Buddy’s description has been circling a house but would run away whenever anyone got near it. The address was two streets away.  We jumped in the car and headed there.

What a great way to meet neighbors. They were trying to coax Buddy with treats. There were dog biscuits and slices of cheese strewn across their porch in hopes to lure him back.  You could still see his wet pawprints on their concrete.

But, we were minutes too late. He either watched us from the dark distance, or he had moved onto another property. But he was not interested in returning to a human’s company.

On Wednesday morning I was awaken seconds before my alarm went off by someone calling to inform me that they had seen my dog. The police had passed our number along. The report stated he was limping and wet.

We rushed to the address the caller gave us. We pulled into the home and decided to ask the homeowner if she/he had seen Buddy. Then suddenly I looked over the railing and there he was, laying in a tiny ball, covered with a blanket, shivering. He had some small cuts.

Did you know that according to the Humane Society of the United States, there are an estimated 10,000 licensed and unlicensed puppy mills in the United States, in total selling more than 2,000,000 puppies annually?

Not the experience we had hoped for.

I wish this story had a happy ending.  We aren’t sure what Buddy went through in those 12 hours that he was out of our care.  He did not have signs of an accident or a fight, but something caused a seizure.

Buddy left this world at 2:30 PM on Wednesday December 11th, 2019.  I was there with him, letting him know that he was loved and that I was sorry he never got to experience the true joys of being a dog.  I told him he was a good boy.  And he was.

This is one story out of thousands about the poor lives of puppy mill dogs.

I wish every day that door hadn’t blown open by the wind. But I can’t help but wonder what the world must have looked like to Buddy that day. Runaway dogs do often survive for days using their instincts. But Buddy was raised so improperly, it’s hard to say what instincts he still had available.

If you love dogs, and you want to do something very impactful and loving with your life, you can make a difference for thousands of beautiful dogs who just need a chance at a happy life. Mistakes will happen – like in our story – but we let this mistake serve as a reminder of how important our role as foster parents are to these souls.

Author:  Amy Dietrich is a blogger at and supporter of several Schnauzer rescue organizations.  

Photo by Sebastian Coman Travel from Pexels


NOTE:  If Amy and other fosters, rescuers and shelter folks knew how to communicate with animals, they could have made a bigger difference with Buddy by talking with him.  Animal communication when done correctly can accelerate bonding, help wounded and damaged animals heal, and can teach them what they don’t know yet.  Opening the conversation heart to heart, mind to mind, gives animals a chance to tell you what they think, what confuses them, what they’ve experienced, what they need and what they want.  If you’d like to learn how to communicate with animals, begin your journey now. Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook:  Hidden Secrets to Communicating With Pets.

Did you enjoy this article? Here are some other popular posts:

What Can We Learn From Animals?  The Smallest Creatures Can Teach The Biggest Lessons

Take Me Home Bella Story of Animal Communication From Spirit Guides

How to Select the right CBD Oil For Your Pets

The post Buddy’s Story: Our Experience Fostering A Puppy Mill Dog appeared first on Val Heart.


Tuesday 28 April 2020

Which Dog Products Can You Use to Keep Your Pet Active During Your Home Stay?

Our normal lifestyle typically dictates that we get to spend little time with our pets while we’re away at work. However, once in a while, we might get the chance to home stay for a while longer thanks to a paid leave or vacation.

And in certain rare circumstances, a global pandemic like COVID-19 might have us locked down for a long time, stuck within our home walls.  We can be grateful for the comforting presence of our pets to keep us entertained and feel connected to someone who is there for us. 

But if we do find ourselves stuck in a home stay, it becomes imperative that we figure out how to keep our pets, especially dogs, entertained and happy.  And that means keeping them active.


According to Metro UK, confined spaces for long periods of time can upset dogs and other pets’ mental health. This can lead to irregular and at times violent, aggressive, unstable behavior. They can also get bored, depressed or sick, and that’s not good. After all, when your pup isn’t happy, you’re not going to be happy either. 

So, what can you do to keep your dog happy and active indoors?

Pet Puzzles

Physical activity might be greatly hindered at this point. However, a few mental exercises can help jolt your pup’s spirits. And for that, what you need are dog puzzles.

Dog puzzles are used to physically and mentally exercise dogs. The simplest of these can be a box puzzle, made out of boxes in which some of them have treats hidden in them.

You can lay puzzles out on your floor and have your dog scavenge through the maze to find its treasure.

In case you are not the DIY type and would love an off-the-shelf solution, there are many out of the box toys that can do the trick for you and your doggo.  Check out these Dog Puzzles for ideas.

Dog Fetch Toys

Yes, typically we think of fetch as an outdoor game.  But what do you do when you are forced to stay indoors with your pup during home stays?  Luckily, that doesn’t mean you can’t play fetch.

Fetch has been the traditional all-time favorite game for dogs. And while throwing a Frisbee in your home might not be a good idea, purchasing a fetch toy might help keep the game safely within your four walls.

Dog fetch toys make use of an automatic dispenser to throw tiny balls around the house. Your dog can then retrieve this ball, take it back to the toy’s chute, and the game starts all over.

Better yet, in case you are working from home, these fetch toys can keep your dog distracted while you push to beat your boss’ deadlines


Dog Treats and Chews

Sometimes, all your dog wants is something to keep their mouths busy while you sit and relax at home. And for that, dog treats and chews can come in handy.

Dog dental chews are designed primarily to help improve your dog’s dental hygiene, while it’s having fun chewing through stay at homethe product.  The right bone can keep them occupied for hours if not days at a time. 

Better yet, some dog treats and chews from vendors such as add minty breath fresheners to ensure your dog not only gets the best dental exercise but also fresher breath.

Beware though because not all dog chews are safe or healthy for them.  It’s best not to give them rawhide because of the chemicals used in processing and because they can swallow large chunks which can block their intestinal tract leading to costly surgery.  Hooves and processed bones have their own risks, as do horns and antlers.

One that we like is the Beneful Wishbone.  They have sizes for all types of chewers, like this one (click here). 

Smart Dog Play and Tracking Toys

Fetch and puzzles are a good game, but your dog might need to be chased around once in a while by a ball or motorized bone toy, just to have some fun.  

That’s what dog playing and tracking toys are for.

Suited for indoor use, these toys not only automatically, or via an app, play with your dog but also help you monitor its movements around the house.

Plus, a great toy like this might come in handy even after the homestay – when you are hard at work but want to be assured your pup is having fun and doing well. 

There are motorized balls that can chase your dog around the house while keeping an eye on it using its inbuilt camera.  

Dog TV


This is cool!  Did you know that dogs have TV channels designed just for pups?  You can find it on renowned streaming services like Apple TV, Roku, and Chromecast.

Dog TV keeps your dog active by engaging it in mentally stimulating TV content focused on dogs only.

Yes, they can’t watch a documentary about their lives and domestication, but videos of other dogs doing fun things such as playing with small children, playing fetch on the beach, or running through a cornfield can keep their canine minds engaged.

Better yet, Dog TV’s content has been designed by animal experts, with the colors also adjusted for their eyesight.

These day you and your pampered pooch have lots of great choices, like Pet Pals TV and Puppy Party!


Home stays are also a great time to learn to communicate with your pets! What better treat that learning to speak their language? Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook: Hidden Secrets to Communicating With Pets.

Did you enjoy this article? Here are some other popular posts:

Easing stress for yourself and your pets in challenging times.

Five benefits of animal communication.


Photo by John-Mark Smith from Pexels

Feature Image Source: Photo by Hilary Halliwell from Pexels

The post Which Dog Products Can You Use to Keep Your Pet Active During Your Home Stay? appeared first on Val Heart.


Wednesday 22 April 2020

What Can We Learn From Animals? The Smallest Creatures Can Teach The Biggest Lessons

What can we learn from animals? The answer to this question is vast—from little life lessons to the biggest moments of clarity and enlightenment, our wise animal friends have so much to teach us.

And sometimes the biggest lessons can come from the smallest teachers of all! The following story perfectly illustrates how communication with animals can result in the most surprising revelations.

What can we learn from animals: The brave mouse who changed my life forever.

Years ago, when I was beginning my journey as an animal communicator, I was working as staff at a Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation organization. It was incredibly hard work; mentally, physically, and emotionally, I was challenged every day to reach beyond my limits of what I thought I was capable of as an animal career and communicator.

I encountered all sorts of animals, big and small, friendly, and ferocious. They all showed me what we can learn from animals in their own way.

But it turned out to be a tiny mouse whose bravery changed my life forever…

Late one night as I was working the overnight shift alone, caring for the hundreds of ill and injured creatures of all species, I got a call from Tim, the director. He told me it was time to feed a five-foot python who was very ill and had not eaten in several weeks. I was dismayed to hear that what I was going to feed it was, a live mouse.

I loved all of the animals at the shelter, even the mice! It left me heartbroken. How could I possibly choose a mouse to be fed to the snake, and then give it to him? But there was no way out—I was alone on staff and it had to be done. The responsibility fell to me. I felt absolutely dismayed, heartsick.

The snake was resting in a large dog kennel that had a heating pad beneath it. The reptile was so big it filled the bottom six inches of the kennel with its huge, scaled coils. He would occasionally poke his head out of the kennel bars, but his body was too large to escape or to go very far. He was getting weaker and weaker with every hour that passed by.

It was up to me to feed him and ultimately help him on the road to recovery. But I was terrified. How could I possibly choose another living creature to doom to death?

The most noble mouse.

The facility kept a large terrarium with at least fifty mice, for the sole purpose of feeding the various predator animals who would only eat live animals. It was a necessity as these animals needed to eat to get their strength back.

I’d never had to do this task before. I was in such conflict about it, it was agonizing.

The mouse community was a joyful one. They happily played all day long in their environment that was built just for them, with tunnels, mice-sized playground equipment, things to climb and explore, and plenty of food and water. It was a happy place, with older mice, boys, and girls, aunts and uncles, parents, and babies.

If you looked in at the terrarium at any given time, you always saw lots of mice out and running around all over the place, enjoying their home to the fullest.

But as I hung up the phone and looked over at the mice, what do you think I saw?

Not a single mouse.

Incredibly, every last mouse had immediately disappeared deep under their bedding. It was as quiet as a tomb, nothing stirring. The place looked abandoned. It was clear they had heard the discussion and they knew exactly what was to come.

What Can We Learn From Animals? Big Lessons From a Small Creature

What can we learn from animals? Courage.

With tears in my eyes, I gathered my courage, my respect, and my love and I slowly went to the terrarium.

I stood before the empty cage in silence, praying for strength. I reached out to the mice, mind to mind, heart to heart, hoping they would hear me and offer me some guidance.

If you would like to know how to do this, it is taught in my Beginning Core Foundations Course.

After a moment, I connected with the matriarch of the mice community (something I teach students how to do in the Advanced Animal Talk Mastery Course).

I carefully explained the situation and asked her for her help. Then I stood still and respectfully waited for a response.

A few long minutes later, a small white mouse climbed out of the bedding and stood tall on one of the play tunnels facing me.

Standing on his hind legs, the little guy reached up to me with its little nose twitching. I knew that it had something to say to me so I listened carefully.

He said: “Pick me. I am willing to sacrifice my life for my family. I love them, and I feel this is my purpose. I’ve said my goodbyes. I go with my family’s blessing and appreciation. I am ready to face the snake. It’s a good day to die.”

“It’s a good day to die.”

With tears running down my face, I acknowledged his decision and the courage it took to make it, from this tiny little creature. I thanked his listening family community from the bottom of my heart and paid respect and love to him for his noble sacrifice.

Next, I put my hand down beside the mouse and waited as he deliberately and carefully climbed onto my hand.

I could feel his energy growing big and expansive. At that moment, it felt like he had become a warrior spirit in that darling little white mouse body.

I walked over to the snake in its kennel. I hesitantly asked the mouse one last time: “are you sure?”

The mouse responded clearly, “Yes.”

So I lowered my hand next to the steel bars and waited. I didn’t have the heart to put the mouse inside. He could have run away at that moment, and you know what? I would have felt glad and relieved. But to my amazement, the brave mouse stepped off of my hand of his own volition and entered the snake’s den.

I prayed for the highest good for them both.

I wiped my eyes, blew my nose, and shook it off, and went away to care for the other animals in the facility.

Later, I returned to the kennel to see what had happened.

Amazingly, the white mouse was still alive and resting there in the kennel with the snake. He had not been eaten, nor had he escaped through the kennel bars. They seemed to be coexisting peacefully together.

I don’t know what happened after that because it was very late and my shift ended. I went home after a quick check-in, offering my love and deepest respect for the mouse.

What I do know is that the courage I witnessed through my communication with that mouse forever changed me.


What can we learn from animals?

That there are heroes everywhere, even the littlest among us.

Just like humans, animals have their own side of every story to tell.

Animals are sentient, intelligent, wise beings. They are Angels, Teachers, Guides, and Healers. When we learn to recognize, respect, and revere them for who they truly are, they make us better people.

I will never forget that brave little mouse, and the monumental strength and sacrifice he demonstrated that day. His act of selflessness remains.

Take the time to talk to the animals today, okay? What they tell you may literally rock your world.

If you’ve been feeling that it’s time to really start communicating with animals, begin your journey now. Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook.

Did you enjoy this article? Here are some other popular posts:

Five benefits of animal communication.

Where’s the proof? How to know if you’re really communicating with animals.

Easing stress for yourself and your pets in challenging times.

The post What Can We Learn From Animals? The Smallest Creatures Can Teach The Biggest Lessons appeared first on Val Heart.


COVID-19 and Mother Earth Gaia’s Perspective, I Wonder?

Absolutely no one wants to see their loved ones and friends suffer or die from the coronavirus, known as COVID-19.  

No one wants to see tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of humans worldwide get sick or die of a nasty pandemic like COVID-19.

And at the same time I wonder when will humans stop abusing Mother Earth, Gaia?

When will humans listen to what mother earth is saying?

Earth Day and COVID-19

I believe that Gaia is trying to protect herself. When will humans wake up and take proactive steps to protect and help Gaia heal from our abuse over the last 100+ years?

When will the health of our planet, which we rely on for our very existence, be more important than so much of our selfishness and disregard for how our lives impact the planet?


Gaia is trying to survive and protect herself, and in so doing is trying to protect us from ourselves.  It may seem strange to say but there are many benefits to stay at home and lockdown, quarantine orders from the COVID-19 pandemic.  As we watch from our homes, we see that the animals and earth are busy repairing the damage done to atmosphere and our environment from smog/pollution.  

Humans are the only species that go to such an extent to save every life and to extend every life as long as possible.

It is wonderful that we are compassionate and our technology, that saves lives, is amazing.

Why don’t we take a large percentage of that compassion and technology and focus on healing Gaia instead of killing her?

If we set our minds to it, we could achieve true sustainability in a very short period of time.

It only takes commitment, like when President John F. Kennedy committed to going to the moon. It happened very quickly, and amazing new technology was born.

What if population control became a willing decision by humans?

What if instead of having more than one or two biological children, people who had the resources and love would take unwanted children and love and provide for them fully with no reservations? I wonder if a balance in the population would result?

If the unwanted were taken in by those who have the capacity to give, it would make our world a better place for all of us. 

What would happen to COVID-19 if we did that?  I wonder… 

What if life cycle analysis became the first analysis of all decisions and humans did not act if it was not good for the next 7 generations to come, like the Ancient Iroquois Principle of Sustainability dating back to 1142 to 1500 AD? What if? I wonder… 

What if we lived also by the Precautionary Principle? First do no harm. What if? I wonder… 

What if western and other cultures ate a few more plant-based meals every week? What if? I wonder… 

What if we did these things and more? How would Gaia respond? I wonder… 

All plagues have this in common: The underlying fostering (or perhaps I should say festering) problem is human over population density in areas where people are living in unsustainable, unhealthy ways.

Gaia Mother EarthHuman beings were not designed to live cut off from nature.

We’re not designed to lived indoors with very limited access to nature.

We’re not designed to be glued to our “devices” most of the day.

We’re not designed to live in such congestion and density. It is not the natural way of humans.

Only technology has allowed us to circumvent the natural order of things. And we have used this technology for evil as well as good.

It is being prophesied that “life will never go back to the way it was before COVID-19”.

I ask, is that such a bad thing? I wonder…

Is it a bad thing if more people work from home? Resulting in more time at home with their families and less time commuting and using less fossil fuels and subsequently reducing the pollution to our amazing planet.

Is it a bad thing if certain social customs are modified?

Other cultures take their shoes off before entering a home, isn’t that a good thing?

Other cultures bow instead of shaking hands or hugging or kissing cheeks, doesn’t that make sense from a sanitation and respect perspective?

And God forbid, what if we actually respect life and death?

What if we allow humans to decide when it is their time to transition from this plane of existence instead of brainwashing people into thinking death is bad and that being alive at any and all costs is better than transitioning as nature intended. This is not the natural order of things and our wonderful amazing technology may be being misused in an unguided way.

Humans need to take back their dignity and right to decide when it is their time to transition instead of drinking the punch that any life even a life only possible because of technology is better than peacefully passing when it is time without extraordinary measures being implemented to preserve life at any and all cost.

I say this with all love and kindness, there is a difference between being alive and living.

So many of our ancient ancestors knew this and it was respected and revered. 

The collective consciousness is living in such a state of FEAR right now and governments are taking full advantage of that fear.

We are being controlled by fear to a very irrational level.

Please my friends, separate from the fear of the collective consciousness and find your inner peace and joy.

There have always been plagues of one sort or another on earth when areas are overpopulated and out of control.

COVID-19 is a wake up call to balance ourselves and our lifestyles.

I postulate this will continue to be our history if we do not choose to make a change, make changes now.

Gaia is trying to help us see how to save ourselves and live better healthier lives in a more balanced matter. 

As we have learned in Val’s classes and courses, it’s time to connect with Gaia, ask her for advice.

Ask her how you personally can help her, as well as yourself, your animals and others.

What permanent changes can you make in your lifestyle to help Gaia? 

I wonder what positive impact we can have as a soul group?

There are so many great resources available to provide Earth Day inspiration for ideas regarding how we can all reduce our environmental impact.

Check them out, tune into Gaia, make just one change.

It feels good.

Make it part of your practice to regularly talk to Gaia, this is important.  Mother Earth can help you avoid the COVID-19 plague. 

Not just for Earth Day but for life itself. 

Need help healing or hearing Gaia’s (or your animal’s) voices?  Go here to find out about The BodyTalk System and healing work with Val. 


Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels

The post is authored by a VIP client and Heart School of Animal Communication and Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club student: Gaia, Kai River Song*, Bella, and Lewis for Earth Day 2020 Guest author name changed for privacy reasons. 

The post COVID-19 and Mother Earth Gaia’s Perspective, I Wonder? appeared first on Val Heart.


Thursday 16 April 2020

Take Me Home Bella Story of Animal Communication From Spirit Guides

From Val:  This inspiring, extraordinary true story of animal communication from Spirit Guides comes from one of my private Quantum Leap clients and Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum students.  Enjoy!

Take Me Home Bella! Extraordinary True Story of Animal Communication From Spirit Guides

By Kai River Song* and Bella

(The John Denver song “Take Me Home Country Roads” plays in the background)

Take Me Home Bella Communication from Spirit Dog Guide I was living in an RV resort in Phoenix, Arizona with my two golden retriever dogs after leaving my husband of 30 years. It was a luxury RV resort and the people were fantastic. I could not have asked for better neighbors. I was doing the “Snowbird” thing… or so I had planned but Universe had other ideas. 

I told my biological family who live in the area that I was absolutely only staying for the winter and I WOULD NOT under any circumstances stay in Phoenix for the hot summer.

Well good thing I did not bet on myself, I would have lost big time.

COVID-19 hit and there was no “escaping” up north or to California or to Florida for the summer as I had planned. RV sites were literally shut down like most of the rest of the world and the advice was to “stay where you are until the COVID-19 lock down is over in 2-3 months”…

What’s a girl to do??

My RV is not designed to handle the heat of a Phoenix summer.  So far it was only reaching the high seventies during the day but it was already getting too hot for the dogs even with the AC running 24/7.  It was not adequate to keep my furkids (or me) comfy.

And what about when the asphalt became too hot to walk on, then what?

We needed a real home to hunker down in until the world’s craziness settled down to its normal level of absurdity.

So, I turned to my guardian angel Bella (my heart dog, a former golden retriever now In Spirit) to help find us a perfect home.

Did you know that animals who transition can choose to communicate from spirit guides?  When my heart dog Bella made her transition, Val worked with us and reconnected us on the other side. I wanted her to reincarnate because I missed her furry self and the ability to cuddle and touch her.  But Bella chose to become my teacher, showing me how an animal communicates from a spirit guide role. Our conversations have been richly rewarding, beyond the norm, and so very comforting. 

Bella told me to start by writing out a list of what I wanted.  So as requested, I gave her a list of wants and needs, and as is my practice added my usual “or something better”.

Then I did the legwork and started searching for it.  We looked and looked and looked for almost a month. Every potential door slammed shut!

Honestly, I was feeling more and more upset, frustrated and yes, worried. It was getting hotter and hotter every day and still nothing opened up.

One day after another long fruitless investigation, my phone, which I rely on heavily for navigation, ran out of power.

Now mind you, I am navigationally challenged and come from a family of navigationally challenged people. To my dismay I was lost big time and had no idea how to get back to the RV resort.

Calming myself I asked Bella to please “Take Me Home”.  I am lost and have literally no idea which direction to drive.  I was going in circles.

Following her guidance, I went as I was directed into areas and neighborhoods I had never been before. But the problem was, these areas were absolutely not in the area of the RV park! I was like, dang, thanks a lot Bella, we’re still lost, where in the world are you taking me?! 

I thought for sure I could just turn the car over to her and she would take us home! The other two furkids were in the car with me of course, enjoying the ride and wondering why mom was getting so upset. 

I finally stopped and asked a physical human for directions.  They thought I was nuts being so lost but WTF, they didn’t understand.  Navigation is lacking in my DNA. 

Another week passed, still no house to move into and it’s getting hotter and hotter and hotter… 

And I’d check in and communicate with Bella, again.

Bella told me in multiple conversational visits “be patient, the house will appear on this specific date”.

I believed her… but I kept looking anyway. And I kept fretting and worrying and trying to make it happen, to hurry things up.  

It’s part of being human I think to “act” as if we have some semblance of control in our lives.

To my utter astonishment and delight, damn if the perfect house didn’t appear on the precise date that Bella told me!

And it was so much “better” than anything I could have conceived. This house is more than perfect, it is amazing. It has everything on my list and more besides.  

And here is the kicker, it is in the exact neighborhood that Bella took me too when I had asked her to “take me HOME”. 

Lessons Learned: 

  1. Trust my guides and angels. They are providing more valuable insight than I asked for.  
  2. When things get dicey, it’s time to consider if I am glossing over something, blocking or not receiving the message when I asked for help.
  3. Be more precise with my requests to help my guides and angels. I said take me home. I did not say direct me back to the RV. There’s a difference, and yes, the RV was not my “real” home anymore. 
  4. There are no accidents. I am always very careful to have my phone charged and carry a spare battery pack typically. This entire event was orchestrated for my best and highest good. Including being in Phoenix in an RV when COVID-19 hit.

Do these lessons sound familiar to you too? I hope my story helps you today in some way.  These are all intuitive development and healing things we are learning together with Val. I’ve grown so much in so many ways, both in learning animal communication and in healing, evolving and growing into my Best Self. 

Thank you Val for coming into my life. 

Thank you Bella and my team of guides and angels.

Animal communication from spirit guides is possible through activating your intuitive abilities and practicing animal communication. 
If you’d like to learn how yourself, start at The Heart School of Animal Communication with the Beginning Core Foundations Course.  
If you’ve already taken a beginning course or workshop, then consider advancing your intuitive skills with the Advanced Animal Talk Mastery Course OR Join the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club!
* student name changed to protect their privacy.  

The post Take Me Home Bella Story of Animal Communication From Spirit Guides appeared first on Val Heart.


Wednesday 15 April 2020

Where’s the Proof? How Do You Know if You’re Really Communicating With Animals?

“Hi Val, I’ve been communicating with the animals around me and I think I’m seeing results. But I’m not sure! Is this real or is my mind just making it up?”

I get this question all the time from students who are worried they aren’t having the effect they wish. That any results they are seeing are just their hopeful minds making it up. This is completely understandable when you’re just starting out.

How do you know if you’re really communicating with animals?

Communicating with animals can be such a rewarding, fulfilling experience. But how do you know that it’s really having an effect when the animal you are talking with can’t “talk” back?  How do you know if you’re accurate or not in understanding what they’re trying to say to you?

It all starts with your intention and using your imagination.

I teach all about the importance of intention and of using your imagination in the Beginning Core Foundations Course.

When communicating with animals, you are likely receiving lots of information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings. But you’re not sure if it’s coming from them or your own overactive imagination. You really want proof that what you’re receiving are really messages from that animal. You want to make a difference in their life and in the life of their companion. That you’re not just making it up.

But here’s the thing: In the beginning, there may not be any “hard proof” that the messages you’re receiving aren’t your imagination!

And guess what.

That’s okay.

Your ego mind is happy to tell you that you’re making it all up — you couldn’t possibly be really talking to animals! How crazy! What’s really going on is that your mind is trying to help you by casting doubt, by distracting you, by keeping you safe from ridicule or embarrassment…, it just hasn’t adjusted to your new reality and what you are learning how to do yet.

The trick is: Don’t fight your mind.

Trying to justify your work, to make sense of your own judgments or doubts is a waste of time that will only throw you off track.

The next time you practice communicating with animals and your mind jumps right in to say: “You’re making that up,” just quickly agree and say, “yes, I am making it up!” And move on. Keep going, don’t let it distract you!

By acknowledging your doubt you are freeing up your mind to delve deeper and truly focus, to keep playing and experimenting with communicating with animals.

How Do You Know if You’re Really Communicating With Animals?

Focus on watching results instead.

Instead of questioning whether or not the messages are real, you can instead feel the power and truth of what you receive by watching the results of the work.

Do this by paying attention to the feedback you receive from the animal’s person. This is where you will see the validity of the work you are doing. You may even receive “hard proof” that you weren’t making it all up at all.

When communicating with animals, results are essential. However, it’s important to remember that this isn’t mind control. You can’t force another being to change through communicating with animals. However, notice what does happen and pay attention to the subtle and not so subtle reactions.

Does anything change, for them or for you? How does it feel when you’re communicating with animals? Does the experience feel true and clear as a bell, resonating deeply within you? Does what you hear surprise you? Was it unexpected? Does the animal’s behavior or energy change at all? How do they respond? What do they do during the conversation and afterwards?

When practicing animal communication around specific issues such as bad behavior, animal stress or healing a trauma, we watch for the results.

How are they feeling? Do they seem calmer? Are they behaving better? Are they breathing more normally?

Notice these concrete and subtle changes.

As a beginner, you might want to practice on your own pet. But truthfully, it is a lot more challenging for those starting out to talk to their own pets.

You’re already so deeply connected, and you mirror each other. This makes it harder in the beginning to separate out what is yours from what is theirs. You hear and feel them all the time. By all means keep trying as there is nothing more rewarding than being able to communicate with your own pet on a deep level. It just takes more training.

It’s best to begin practicing by communicating with others’ animals at first—an animal you know nothing about so you don’t have any preconceived notions that can muddy the water and make things more complicated.

Try, and watch what happens. Watch closely!

And if you get positive results?

Then no, you’re not making it up.

The truth feels right.

Trust is essential when it comes to communicating with animals. And you can’t force or fake trust. It comes from experience and knowledge and getting to know someone at a deep level.

The bottom line is, communication with animals either helps or it doesn’t. You’ll learn to notice when your mind takes over, interrupting you with doubts, questioning or flights of fancy. You’ll find yourself tripping down the rabbit hole of your own thoughts, lost in space.

Conversely, you’ll also learn to notice when your heart is open and your communication with animals is true, accurate, inspired and right on target.

It feels different.

You will know you’re on the right track when you get results and validation. Confirmation helps your confidence soar, and your accuracy rate improves dramatically as you keep practicing.

You will learn more, and as you do you will grow and evolve the more you practice communicating with a wider variety of animals. Every animal you talk to will teach you something. Each animal is a unique individual, with their own viewpoints and experiences and voice.

How Do You Know if You’re Really Communicating With Animals?

Tools to help you.

Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook: Hidden Secrets to Communicating With Pets.

Become a member of the best online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club and you can practice communicating with any of our well over 100 animal teachers. Get proper feedback and support so you’ll know when you’re accurate, or not.

Continue the process taught in the Beginning Core Foundations course about how to connect and stay engaged.

Check your TIPS Sheet for clues on how to know when you’re communicating with animals. (That’s one of the bonuses that comes with the Beginning Course)

If you stick with it, you will see the rewards. Just trust yourself. Lean in. Go for it. Then? Watch for the synchronicities that will start to show themselves over time. That will be all the convincing you need that the messages you are receiving are not made up at all. That you can really communicate with animals, anywhere, anytime.

Make a point of talking to an animal today!

Check with your animals frequently and find out what’s going on in their world. You don’t want to wait until something is wrong to make the effort to communicate and learn how to be accurate. Don’t wait until you are reacting to a problem. By then it could be too late.

It’s about staying with your practice and letting trust in yourself and your abilities grow over time.

If you’ve been feeling that it’s time to really start communicating with animals, begin your journey now. Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook.

Enjoyed this article? Here are three more you might find helpful:

The three fundamental animal talk principles.

7 great ways to help you and your pet through coronavirus stay at home isolation.

Five benefits of animal communication.

The post Where’s the Proof? How Do You Know if You’re Really Communicating With Animals? appeared first on Val Heart.


Thursday 9 April 2020

7 Great Ways To Help You Through Coronavirus Stay at Home Isolation

We are living through strange times, my friend.  I’m not the first person to express that sentiment, and far from the last, but it seems impossible – if not inappropriate – to not acknowledge how much our world has changed in such a short time. Coronavirus pandemic is an extraordinary event in all our lives, and it didn’t even exist just a short time ago. 

Hopefully it will be over soon, but what will you do in the meantime?  How can I help guide you through the coronavirus isolation so you come out better than ever on the other side? corona virus and pets

Here are 7 Great Ways To Help You Through Coronavirus!  Stay Sane, Heal, Evolve and Grow While Staying at Home

Stay at home orders, isolation, quarantines, face masks, sick and dying people, worrying about our friends, family, pets and, well, literally everyone right now.  It makes us feel a bit crazy pants, doesn’t it?  

A lot of prayers for those affected, both the sick and the doctors and nurses and care staff trying to save their lives at the risk of their own.  And what about our essential service providers, also risking their lives while trying to help others. We owe them all a debt of gratitude and appreciation. 

That said, I hope you’re well and safe and sane. I am at least two of those things and I’ve devoted a good deal of time to baking and excavating a cluttered portion of my garage with my darling husband Joern. I can’t imagine a better partner to go through this with. And our two puppy dogs, Timmy and Samwise, are doing a fantastic job of helping too.

This is tough and overwhelming for many of us.

And offering a few fun things for you to do won’t change that.

But it will give you something better to do other than refreshing social media and watching the news, neither of which is good for any of us, ever.

Here are some of my favorite things:

1. Wonderful books to read to inspire, delight and provide a bit of escapism! 

I’ve always been an avid reader and often am reading more than one book at a time. I’ve put many of my most favorites in my Amazon Store. From spiritual growth to historical romance to sci fi and fantasy, they’re all there! For instance:

The Right Questions

The 5 Love Languages

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It

The Mastery of Love

Mutant Message Down Under

And many, many more!

Find your next good read here

2. Want some really good animal books?

I’ve been reading and learning about animals all my life!  And if you’ll check out my grey hair you’ll know that’s a LONG time.  I’m not older than dirt, yet, but sometimes it feels like it. 

The good news is, there are SO many fantastic books about what’s near and dear to our hearts, our animals.  Check out my collection of fav books for dogs, cats and horses!

3. Learn about animal communication from my colleagues, professional animal communicators!

Designed as a mini-training series for animal communicators, I interviewed many of my fellow professional animal communicators about how they got started being the voice for animals.

And I asked each of them for a great mini-teaching tip too which you can put to good use right away.  FREE!  Check it out here

4. Do you enjoy listening to Podcasts? You’ll love this!

There are well over 100 wonderful Real Dr Doolittle Podcast Show episodes on itunes, YouTube and my blog.

I interviewed authors, trainers, healers, psychics and more.  The interviews are All FREE!  Check them out here

5. Speaking of Blogs, have you seen all the wonderful stories on the Animal Heart Talk Blog?

There are well over 800 wonderful posts on the blog which is dedicated to health and wellness for animals and people.

And there are tons of great animal communication posts on The Heart School of Animal Communication School blog too. 

They should keep you royally entertained for quite awhile. 

6. Still want some news but don’t want to feel overwhelmed with bad news?

Mainstreaming negative, horrifying and bad news is a really bad idea most of the time, and now it’s worse than ever. I don’t watch television news shows anymore. I get my news once a day through two of my fav cellphone apps which give me a digest overview.

My favorites are SmartNews and Flipboard.  You can find them in your app store, and they are customizable so you can tell them what kind of news you want to know about, and what you don’t.

7. And of course, NOW is the perfect time to advance your animal communication intuitive skills!

Which of The Heart School courses have you done? Which are still on your to do list?  

You’ve got the time, they’re all fully guaranteed, and you love your animals more than butter pecan ice cream, cookies and sourdough bread, right? 

Now is a great time to advance your animal communication and intuitive abilities. 

You’ll be so glad you did!

Great place to start!

Main Courses:


Special Interest Courses:

Bottom line:  Stay safe, be well.  Use your time wisely so you come out of this better than ever.

Talk to your animals while you still can.

Do you have favorite things that are helping you that aren’t on the list?  Share them! 

Leave your comment below. 

The post 7 Great Ways To Help You Through Coronavirus Stay at Home Isolation appeared first on Val Heart.


Wednesday 8 April 2020

Exploring Animal Telepathy: How to Send a Powerful Message in 3 Easy Steps

Animal telepathy is such an important way to connect with our animal companions beyond what we could ever have imagined is possible.

To help understand telepathy, it helps to know what the word itself actually means. “Tele” derives from the Greek term “tēle-” which means “over distance” or “far off.” “Pathy”, derived from the Greek term “patheia”, refers to “empathy.” As such, telepathy can be thought of as being able to feel empathy or the emotions of others over a distance, and in doing so, being able to transmit information through energy exchange.

It might seem like a difficult concept to understand for those of us who aren’t psychics or mystics. But the truth is any animal lover can practice animal telepathy. You don’t have to consult a crystal ball to truly understand your animal friends or send them your own messages, or receive theirs.

Sending messages to animals through telepathy doesn’t take much time either! Once you understand the simple steps and concepts behind animal telepathy, you will begin to see that you really can talk to your animals on a deeper, energetic level.

Animals know you better than you think they do.

One important concept to remember when contemplating animal telepathy is that your animals already have a very accurate sense of who you are as a person.

If they have been paying attention—which of course they have as you, their caretaker, are the most important human in their lives—they have already absorbed many clues about what you’re thinking and feeling. In fact, they might even know you better than you do!

The animal can see inside your mind’s eye (the images on your mental monitor). They feel the emotions you’re resonating and they can resonate with them as well. They are always trying to figure you out, to understand what you are thinking and how you are going to react to life. Because everything you do affects them.

Are you ready to learn how? Now’s the time to learn how to talk to animals. Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook – Hidden Secrets to Communicating With Pets.

Sending a message through animal telepathy can actually be easy if you know the steps. These three simple concepts will help you open up a whole new channel of communication between you and your animals.

Animal Telepathy: How to Send a Powerful Message in 3 Easy Steps

Three Easy Steps to Sending a Message to Any Animal, Any Time, Heart-to-Heart, Mind-to-Mind:


If you don’t know what you want to say, you will only send muddled messages that won’t get anything across at all. This experience could leave both you and your animal confused and nervous to try again.

So before you begin practicing animal telepathy, it’s important that you first get clear on what you want to tell them and why it’s important.

In other words, you have to believe in your message before you can send it.

TIP: A distracted animal is not a receptive animal. So be sure to get their attention first so they are listening to you and aren’t distracted; take them to a quiet, calm spot where they can easily focus on you.

TIP: Be considerate of their particular point of view and consider the story or message from that angle or viewpoint instead of only your own. Don’t forget that they view the world very differently from you, and adjust your message accordingly.


Use a story to get your message across. Storytelling is very effective; while you talk your story throughout loud, it is important that you actually see it in your mind’s eye, as though you are watching a movie play out in your mind. Also, don’t just talk about the feelings and emotions around the story, you must really feel the feelings you are conveying with your words. You want them to feel these emotions as well, so they can know if the story is good/happy/positive or bad/painful/negative.

A great way to remember this is to SEE IT – FEEL IT – SAY IT!

TIP: This is very effective if you are working with a behavioral problem. Using stories, you can explore best-case scenarios with your animal friend. You can also use the story to explore the worst-case scenario, with risks and consequences laid out for them to understand. In this way, you are empowering them to be more informed and make better decisions for themselves.


Now it’s time to put your story to the test.

Animal telepathy is not an exact science. In fact, animal communication is different for every animal and person, which is why you have to keep practicing and watching for results and changes in your animal friend.

Animal communication is a highly subjective, feelings-based, energetic form of communication that goes straight from heart-to-heart and mind-to-mind.

But it isn’t mind control! Watch for subtle changes, such as in your companion’s mood, energy or attitude. You may see immediate results that show they completely understood your message. Or the results may be more ambiguous—maybe they heard you and didn’t agree, or they were confused if you weren’t clear enough. Your job as their caretaker is to inform them as best you can so they can make better choices on their own and understand the consequences of their behaviors.

TIP: Practice being sensitive to their concerns, moods and, energies, during and after the story. If you experience caution or pushback from them, pause there and ask them what’s come up that is causing the hesitation.

Are you going too fast? Are they confused? Have you triggered a negative response in them? If so notice where you are in the story and ask them to help you understand how you can help them.

Be in the space with them, open to what comes up for you to consider or do.

See how easy animal telepathy can be? You can do this!

Sending a message to an animal is as easy as 1-2-3 when you know how.

Animal Telepathy: How to Send a Powerful Message in 3 Easy Steps

As an animal caretaker, learning animal communication can open up a whole new world of connection with your treasured animal friends. It is also a spiritual journey and so much fun too!

As you will discover, animals are deep wells of wisdom and experiences and can tell you the most amazing things. Knowing and practicing these three steps will help you to see the world from a whole new perspective and will make you into a more whole, well-rounded person in the process.

If your goal is to master animal communication, it’s important to know that this is only the beginning. It gets even more rewarding when you begin learning how to receive their messages back to you!

Remember that true heart-to-heart communication is a two-way street. What you communicate to them is only half the story; when you begin to really hear what they have to say, that is when true connection begins.

We need our animals just as much as they need us. In the How to Talk to Animals System, I teach students how to hear their animal’s thoughts, wisdom and emotions so they can take better care of their needs and be better caretakers in general.

You’re on your way! It’s time to learn how to talk to animals. Start here at The Heart School of Animal Communication with your free ebook – Hidden Secrets to Communicating With Pets

Enjoyed this article? Here are some other popular posts you might like:

Understanding your pet better: tips to get started.

Introduction to Ayurveda for pets.

What is Bodytalk for animals?

The post Exploring Animal Telepathy: How to Send a Powerful Message in 3 Easy Steps appeared first on Val Heart.


Thursday 2 April 2020

How to select the right CBD for your Pet

Many of us are aware of the health benefits that CBD offers. However, did you know that CBD oil can be a great alternative for pets? CBD, an oil derived from hemp, can reduce inflammation and pain, prevent seizures, improve symptoms of anxiety, and reduce nausea and slow the growth of tumors in our pets.

This means that if your pet suffers from arthritis, asthma, epilepsy, anxiety, stomach problems, cancer, or is undergoing chemotherapy, CBD could benefit your pet and give them relief. It is a natural product that is considered safe for most pets and doesn’t come with many of the side effects of prescription medications.

Be sure to consult with your vet to determine if CBD is right for your pet and the dosage you should administer. CBD can impact other medications, so if your pet is on any medications, be sure to mention this to your vet. Also, do your research and look for drug interactions with your pet’s medication.

How to Choose the Right CBD Product for Your Pet

The FDA doesn’t regulate CBD products and they fall into a legal grey area in most states. This means that it’s a good idea to educate yourself on how to choose a high-quality CBD product to avoid THC (the hallucinogenic compound found in marijuana) and other hidden chemicals. The purity of your CBD matters because adulterated products can be ineffective or dangerous for your pet.

Certificate of Analysis or COA

All reputable brands of CBD oil or CBD products will include a COA or certificate of analysis. The COA is a scientific analysis of the chemical compounds and concentration of each in a CBD product. This offers consumers the best assurance that a brand is reputable and you can trust the quality and safety of their products.

On the COA, you will need to look at the THC levels and confirm that they contain less than 0.3%. Ideally, you want the COA to state “ND” or not detected for THC. For your CBD amounts, you want to make sure the amount stated on the bottle is the same as listed on the COA. If there are any discrepancies, don’t buy the product.

Next, if you choose a broad spectrum CBD oil, you will see at least some amounts of other cannabinoids like CBN or CBDa. If you only have CBD in the product, it is not full-spectrum. If it was advertised as such, don’t purchase the product because it is not the same or mislabelled from the COA.

Full Spectrum or Isolate

CBD isolate products only contain CBD and not any other cannabinoids that occur in hemp naturally. Full-spectrum CBD contains a mixture of other cannabinoids and are recommended, but this is strictly by preference. You can use a CBD isolate, but hemp, in its natural state contains several cannabinoids which may be beneficial.

The only reason to avoid a product that is a CBD isolate or full-spectrum product is if the product label and COA don’t match.

Type of Emulsion

There are three forms of emulsion used on CBD oil. Standard emulsion creates larger particles of CBD that are more difficult to absorb than either liposomal emulsion or nano-sized emulsion. Nano-sized emulsion is the best because its particles are the smallest and are much more easily absorbed.

It is recommended that you only purchase liposomal emulsion or nano-sized emulsion products for this reason. Nano-sized emulsion is the best, but if you can’t find it, liposomal will be safe and effective to use on your pet.

Don’t Purchase Products Containing Only Hemp Oil

Hemp oil and CBD are not equal products, although they come from the same plant. Often, hemp oil doesn’t contain pure CBD and is not nearly as effective as CBD oil. If a product lists that it is CBD oil and mentions from hemp, that means that it’s CBD oil.

However, if you can’t find CBD on the label, beware. This is a loophole some manufacturers are using to get around selling cheaper, less effective hemp products. To use CBD on the label, there are regulations and standards that must be met by a manufacturer.

Choosing a Form

The best way to administer a CBD product to a pet and guarantee its purity and strength is by using a tincture. Often, when chews and other treats are created, they are baked and the CBD in the product is weakened as a result.

A tincture is a much better option for most pets. It will also last longer, which is nice if your pet has a condition with flare-ups, such as anxiety, that may not require daily treatment.

CBD and Your Pet

Choosing a safe and effective CBD product for your pet doesn’t have to be difficult. If you are viewing a product online and it doesn’t meet the guidelines above, skip it. If it’s really inexpensive, there’s probably a reason why. Don’t take a risk with your pet’s health. Choose safe and effective CBD products to keep your pet active and healthy.

Photo by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels

Enjoyed this article? Here are three more you might find helpful:

The BEST CBD Oil for You and Your Pet!

CBD Didn’t Work? All CBD Is NOT Created Equal! Tips For Using CBD Oil for Pets and People

Easing Stress for Yourself & Your Pets in Challenging Times

The post How to select the right CBD for your Pet appeared first on Val Heart.
