Friday 13 October 2017

Taking a Stand for Animal Intelligence Intuitive Pet Parents Unite

We’re taking a stand for animal intelligence and giving audiences around the world the chance to learn from experts sharing stories and insights to confirm intuitive, subtle senses.

Accessing the universal consciousness, a unified field of energy between humans and animals where understanding can take place non-verbally. Animals are leading us to a greater humanity, all we have to do is stop to listen and trust our own intuitive voice.

animal-intelligenceFrom Jessica Ardeal, Intuitive Pet Parent Event Host:

“As a newly certified BodyTalk for Animals colleague and the host of The Intuitive Pet Parent Event, I’m honored to speak with Val Heart! She is one of the original BodyTalk for Animals practitioners and began practicing BodyTalk in 2001.  Val studied and worked with Sandy Davis, the original founding creator of Animal Talk, a BodyTalk specialty course I traveled to Montana to study in 2011 as a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner.

It’s an honor to speak with one of the women who has helped pioneer transformational healing for pets and their people, combining BodyTalk for Animals with the power of animal communication!  How cool to come full circle in this interview where I get to speak with one of the great animal communicators of our time!

Being a lifetime student, Val continues to learn new methods of healing, performance enhancement, training and bodywork for humans and animals.  She is also one of only a few healer therapists worldwide to have learned The Fernandez BodyMind Assessment (TM) Method considered the missing link in our healthcare system today. A top practitioner in The BodyTalk (TM) System for people and animals, she is certified at the advanced PaRama level.

Studying with many other master teachers, learning how to facilitate healing and return to wellness for people and pets, she’s also trained with the world-renowned animal communicator Penelope Smith and is certified to teach the Basic Workshop on How To Communicate With Animals. She is listed in Penelope’s International Directory of Accredited Telepathic Communicators.

After our interview, I told her, “Wow, Val! That was like being on warp speed ahead in Star Wars lol! I enjoyed the ride! You are a rock star! It makes my heart sing to have connected with you☆☆☆ … I send all of my good energy to your VISION to reach and teach 1 million animal lovers and more so we can change the world!!! Love it ♡♡♡  Thank you for sharing your love and light with the world.”

Cheers to a new era of evolution!”

Listen and learn as we discuss our experiences resolving energy imbalances, correcting behavioral concerns, and enhancing the Spiritual and intuitive bond with your dog, cat, horse, bird and other animal family members.

More about Val:

Val Heart is called the real life Dr. Doolittle. She is a leading animal communication expert and animal communicator to the stars. She has been a featured expert on ABC, NBC and Fox News, as well as in People Magazine, My S.A., and Great Day S.A.

She is the founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication. She created the HEART System, a 5-step program for solving problems with pets, it works with every pet, every time.  Her specialties include intuitive life guidance, training, Quantum Leap therapies and BodyTalk healing for animals and people to transform health and wellness.

Learn more about her work

Do you want to learn how to talk to animals yourself?  Go to and get your FREE Hidden Secrets to Communicating With Pets ebook

The post Taking a Stand for Animal Intelligence Intuitive Pet Parents Unite appeared first on Val Heart.


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