Tuesday 30 January 2018

How to Recognise Cancer Signs in Your Dog

One of the worst things that can happen to a dog and its owner is dog cancer, which is much more common than most people think. Some statistics show that around one-third of all dogs develop cancer at some stage in their lives. Although some breeds are more prone to it, there’s no rule when it comes to odds. Both mixed breed and purebred dogs can succumb to this illness.

What is definitely true, however, is that older dogs are more susceptible. This is usually explained by the fact that nowadays dogs live longer due to modern veterinary care and improved nutrition. Bearing in mind that the sooner cancer is diagnosed, the better chances of dealing with it successfully are, it’s vital to recognize typical cancer symptoms in your dog. So, let’s take a look at the most common ones:

Weight loss
This is probably the most typical symptom according to many experts, which often signals the existence of a gastrointestinal tumor, especially if the loss is rapid. Even if your dog still has its regular appetite, it could be losing weight and you should immediately take it to the vet.

Weight gain
On the other hand, bloating or sudden weight gain could also be signs of cancer. It’s possible that your dog is eating less, yet gaining weight, which is why you need to consult your vet.

Not every cough is a symptom of cancer, but if coughing doesn’t go away after a few days, it might be a signal of lung cancer.

Mouth changes
Older dogs often suffer from oral cancer, which is why you need to pay attention to any strange odour, bleeding or a change in gum. The best way no to miss these symptoms is to regularly brush your dog’s teeth and inspect its mouth.

Every nosebleed is a sign of some problem, especially in older dogs. It might be a sign of nose cancer, although it could mean that some foreign object got stuck up there, which is always a better case scenario.

Diarrhoea or changes in bathroom habits
Not every diarrhoea means that your dog has cancer, but if it persists, you need to consult a vet. Also, if your dog is having troubles peeing or moving bowels or if you detect blood in the urine or stool, it could mean that your dog has cancer.

Brain tumours are often accompanied by seizures. So, if your dog is exhibiting sudden, uncontrolled bursts of activity or foaming at the mouth, you need to visit your vet as soon as possible.

Skin changes
No lump, bump or skin change should be unattende since could be either benign or cancerous. Your vet will take a sample and analyse it before prescribing a therapy. Even sores that don’t heal or itchy and painful lesions might indicate cancer.

This is always a good enough reason for a trip to your vet. Your dog may be weak and lethargic, reluctant to leave one of its comfortable Snooza dog beds, failing to greet you at the door like usual, and it might even collapse at some point. Make sure you seek professional help as soon as possible, even if your dog seems to have recovered the next day.

Pain or discomfort
Pain is always a sign of a problem and one of them could be cancer. So, if your dog whines when you pick it up or pat, you need to call the vet.

Although it’s always better to prevent than cure, sometimes it’s simply too late for prevention or there was nothing you could have done to protect your dog. What you can do, however, is carefully monitor the health of your dog and react promptly to any unusual change.

The better aware you are of cancer symptoms and the quicker you react, the better chances your dog will have for survival. This task is not always easy, since many symptoms are subtle and can be easily missed. In any case, whatever symptom you notice, the first thing you need to do is consult your vet.

The post How to Recognise Cancer Signs in Your Dog appeared first on Val Heart.

source https://www.valheart.com/recognise-cancer-signs-dog/

The ultimate guide to buying a dog run

Keeping your beloved dog safe and secure should be one of your top priorities. Dog runs are the perfect solution for providing your dog with a safe and secure area to play outside. They have a number of benefits for both you and your pet and make for a worthwhile investment. Buying a dog run can prove to be a bit of a minefield, with many different factors to take into consideration including size, climate and the individual needs of both you and your dog.

Dog runs have a number of benefits for both dog and owner, including:

+ Keeping your dog safe and out of the way

+ Unlike cages, they provide your dog with plenty of space

+ Allows your dog to enjoy some fresh air

+ They can provide your dog with entertainment by filling them with toys

+ They’re a safe place to leave your dog unsupervised

When you’re thinking about buying a dog run, there are a few key points to consider. One of the most important factors to consider is the size of your dog. You want to make sure that your dog has enough space to run around and play, so the absolute minimum size of the pen should be 3ft wide, 10ft long and 6ft high.  If you’re buying a run for a puppy, it’s advisable to consider how big your dog will be when it’s fully grown so you’ll be able to get the most out of your money and not have to repurchase a run every few months.

You should also consider where your dog run will be located. You want to choose an area of your garden that doesn’t get used very often, but you also want to make sure it’s close enough that you’ll be able to easily keep an eye on your dog.

Another important consideration is the climate you live in. If you’re living in a colder, wetter climate, then you may want to consider a dog run with a roof to keep your pooch protected from the elements.

You want to make sure that the dog run is a stimulating, safe place for your dog to spend time in. To make it a fun and entertaining place for your dog, there are a number of steps you can take, including:

+ Filling it with toys and stimulating obstacles

+ Hiding treats in different areas of the run for them to seek out

+ Placing familiar toys and blankets in with them

+ Using positive reinforcement when your dog is getting used to spending time in their pen

The following infographic from Kennel Store provides you with the ultimate guide to buying a dog run to ensure you get the perfect one for your dog.


The post The ultimate guide to buying a dog run appeared first on Val Heart.

source https://www.valheart.com/ultimate-guide-buying-dog-run/

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Why CBD Hemp for Your Pet Could Be THE Thing That Works For Their Pain And Behavior Problems

You’ve heard the buzz about hemp and CBD (cannabis) for people and pets, but does it really work?

hemp for petsWith all the excitement about cannabis (marijuana) and hemp being legalized and the positive reported health benefits for people AND pets too, I wanted to let you know about this company.  HempMy Pet is great and their products are of the highest quality.  Their hemp for pets is a solid product with a great track record and excellent reviews! 

The hemp products are labeled for pets, but you can personally use the tincture for pain too. 

I have clients who are using it for their yellow lab who suffered a serious injury to her elbow and subsequent surgery.  They notice an immediate difference in their dog’s well-being when she takes it.  She is happier, moves more easily, has more stamina, and reports that her pain levels are much more manageable.

When she isn’t taking it?

Ouch. BIG difference.

Another friend and author Gayle Pruitt said,


“This stuff is amazing!  My dogs Mimi & Casper take the coconut oil infused with hemp for pets oil and they have been frisky mischievous little seniors. They both are over 12 years old… we’re not for sure their exact age.  I’m going to have to have a knee replacement so I’m trying it too.” 


At HempMy Pet, they believe like I do that the most important thing you can give your pet for their health and well-being (besides communication, great food and lots of love) is a safe and effective product made of the highest quality ingredients available. Offering top quality, consistent and effective products is what they are all about!

When you choose HempMy Pet, you can feel good about what you are giving your pet, as they pride themselves in making and offering an organic hemp for pets product line that they say is superior to all others on the market. This company that has the best interest of you and your pet in mind.  They truly do this for the love of people, their animals, and for hemp!

After all, a happy pet means a happy YOU!

hemp for pets has high standards

Please note that this is NOT A DRUG. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, and/or cure any disease. Their product is a hemp-based product and legal in all 50 United States.

HempMyPet products are not psychoactive in any way, do not contain Marijuana nor are they Medicinal Marijuana products. Their products are made from hemp, which has to have less than .3% THC by law, to be considered hemp, and not marijuana.

Their “Hemp Extract” is derived from hemp, which may have trace amounts of THC to begin with before extraction, but then after it is extracted and added into our products, it is even further diluted down by the carrier oils.

THC does not show up on any of their third-party lab tests for all of their products.

So, your pet can’t get high off of these products, however, you may notice your pet feeling more calm and at ease, and older pets may be moving around more easily after use.  This is due to the other cannabinoids and terpenoids present in the products.

Check out some more great reviews from users of the product!

“I’m on my 3rd bottle and very very happy! My poor old man dog (12 1/2) obviously has arthritis (not terrible) but also has canine cognitive disorder. He became VERY anxious and destructive. With other supplements he started to calm down, but would have bouts of panic around 2 hours before sundown. With this cbd oil he’s mostly back to normal!”

“Just a few drops a day has calmed our Charlie down just enough. He seems a bit happier in his environment and less anxious.”

“The purity and quality of this product was outstanding. It’s made to human purity standards so you can be sure it’s safe for your pet. We noticed a very encouraging improvement in our aging dogs quality of life. His coat improved, some of the stiffness went out of his hips and his anxiety appeared to diminish somewhat. This is definitely the best choice of pet focused Hemp oil products on Amazon or anywhere. This company cares deeply about their clients and products and is on a mission to improve the heath of our pets!”

There’s more!

Ready to give it a try for your pet (or you)?  Click here!  


The post Why CBD Hemp for Your Pet Could Be THE Thing That Works For Their Pain And Behavior Problems appeared first on Val Heart.

source https://www.valheart.com/cannabis-hemp-for-pets-helps-with-pain-and-behavior/

Tuesday 2 January 2018

How To Become a Professional Animal Communicator – My Story

Have you ever thought about becoming a professional animal communicator?  

If you love animals and you know how to talk to them, the idea of making a living as a professional animal communicator talking to pets can be very exciting! 

You know your animals have secret lives, thoughts, feelings and wisdom. Professional animal communicators are trained to be able to hear them, understand them, and communicate with them so they share their innermost thoughts.Val Heart Expert Animal Communicator

I’ve been working professionally as an animal communicator since 1993.  And at this point in my career, I’m well respected as one of the top people in my field.  I’m a frequent guest on radio, I’ve been on tv, I’ve written books and am a contributing author to other books, and I’ve been a columnist for several publications.

I love teaching and working with people and animals all over the world, sharing the animal’s voices and wisdom, bringing more balance, peace of mind, joy and love into the hearts of my fellow animal lovers.

But it hasn’t always been this way.

Back in the early 1988, I started my own corporation doing market research and I was miserable.  It was a company I’d created after I graduated college with the help of 2 of my college professors and several of my student colleagues. Although I was pretty good at it, it didn’t make my heart sing.  And after 4 years of being in business, we closed the doors because I was dying inside.

I had contracted Lyme Disease and was very ill, in chronic pain, and I was getting sicker as time went on.  I was also married in an abusive relationship.  It was a very painful, difficult time in my life.

I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do, but I decided that whatever work I did do for the rest of my life would have to be meaningful in some positive, world changing way.

I wanted to do something that made a difference AND that made my heart sing.  

So I began praying and researching to find something I could do that would make that happen.  In all of my soul searching, I realized that the only area of my life that had consistently brought me joy was being with animals.  So I decided then and there to do something to improve the lives of animals in whatever way I could.

That single decision point opened up a whole new world for me. 

The first time I actually heard an animal talk was if it were a person talking to me….

I was with a friend who does animal body work. She wasn’t able to get a large knot to release from the mare’s hip she was working on. I heard the horse, named Valkyrie, make a comment about something my friend and I were talking about and I was startled, thinking “Who was that?”

Then I realized the horse was communicating with me!  horse whisperer

So I asked some questions to see if what I was hearing was accurate. It was.

Then I asked Valkyrie about her hip injury, and she ended up sharing with me the original experience and what happened. It felt very visceral to me as she was describing what had occurred.

Miraculously, as the horse shared her story with me, the muscle knot began to melt and disappeared completely right before our eyes!

My friend was so impressed, she started taking me with her to see her other clients. We discovered that my work communicating with the animals before, during and after her hands on work made a huge difference with the animals and their recovery process.

One day she took me to an Pre-Olympic Trial Dressage Competition at the San Antonio Rose Palace. 

While I was there, I met a Frenchman named JP and his extraordinary Grand Prix dressage horse. When JP heard that I could talk to horses, he immediately wanted me to work with his horse.  It turned out that Okzident would behave perfectly in practice, but would mess up his cues in the show ring.  JP couldn’t understand it.

So I asked Okzident what the deal was and what he told us was brilliant and to the point.

He said that he was tired of being overworked, that he wanted to be acknowledged for a job well done, and that he wanted an apology.  He knew that the only time he could “get back at” JP was in the show ring where he couldn’t be punished, and so he deliberately sabotaged their performance out of his anger.

When I told JP what his horse had told me, he offered an insincere apology to which Okzident turned his backside to us and swished his tail!

Once JP calmed down and considered what Okzident had to say, he realized that his horse was right on all accounts.  He offered a true apology the next go around to which Okzident went to him, put his head on JP’s chest over his heart, and accepted it.  They went on to win their competition!

Early the next morning I was awakened by a phone call from JP asking when I could come to Houston.  He had other horses and riders who needed my help!  And that was when I decided to go professional.

JP introduced me to Shirley Johnson who had competed in the Olympics. 

Shirley had gotten an expensive young Trakhener gelding and he was not doing well in training. She brought me in to work with him and I evaluated him.  Then, they brought in a vet specialist vet who also evaluated him.  Our findings were 100% in agreement, except for the 1 additional thing I found that the vet had no way of testing for.

Another very valuable Arabian dressage horse had almost torn his hind foot off in a trailering accident.  But he was so unpredictable, dangerous and fussy, usually there was no way that my bodywork friend could safely access the area she needed to work on without being in fear for her life.  In fact, she’d already told the owner that she wouldn’t work with him anymore.

Well, she thought that there was a chance he might cooperate if I worked with him first.  So she asked me to let him know what she was going to do and why she was doing it.

I carefully explained what we wanted to offer him, and asked him if he wanted the help.  I asked him to make certain promises of good behavior because she literally had to lay under his belly and get between his hind legs to reach the area to work on it!

He happily shook his head up and down, lifted his hind foot up where she could look at it, and then took a statue pose from which he did not budge one inch during the session.

I’m delighted to tell you she was able to do just that and he was completely cooperative. Instead of being retired and living in pain the rest of his life, he recovered and began competing in dressage again.

This was the start of an incredible journey working professionally with animals all over the world. 

I went on to work with world class Grand Prix dressage horses, hunter jumpers, cutting horses, and every horse in-between.

And of course, I’ve also worked with thousands of dogs and cats and birds and rabbits and ferrets and elephants and….  professional animal communicator Val Heart

I love my work, I love my clients, and I love the transformation I’m able to facilitate for them on so many levels.  Learning to communicate at the heart and energetic level, how to really listen to others, to grow spiritually and become enlightened through our interactions with the animals who share our world is often an epiphany experience… and I get to share that right along with each of my clients.

In my work with 10,000’s of animals it has been my experience that our animal friend’s issues are typically one or a combination of these four things:

  • An emotional issue
  • A health issue
  • A management issue, such as inappropriate training, wrong diet, wrong equipment, etc.
  • An emotional or health issue that is going on with YOU that your animal is reacting to negatively

Until there is direct clear communication with your animal, it isn’t possible to really know:

  • What they are feeling, feeling or experiencing
  • If there are other unknown factors
  • What happened from their unique viewpoint
  • Where they actually hurt, what kind of pain is it
  • What helps or doesn’t, and what makes things worse
  • What is truly needed, wanted and appreciated
  • What you, their caretakers, connection and involvement is and how humans contribute to the problems
  • How we can best assist them in recovery
  • Whether their saddle, bit, bridle, or other equipment is truly comfortable or if it’s interfering with their ability to focus, concentrate and perform to the best of their ability.

Rocky Dog Whisperer

Not answering these issues can cause disease, illness, mystery health problems, and behavior challenges, if it’s not taken care of properly and in a timely manner when it first crops up.

We do know that your animal always does what seems right to them — from their own viewpoint. They always do what makes sense to them.

But without communicating specifically and directly with your animal, we won’t know exactly what’s really going on, or how best to resolve things.

Some of the main benefits an expert (professional) animal communicator can help you with are:

  • Know what is happening with your animal- get to the root of any problem
  • Shorten recovery time
  • Resolve training problems
  • Solve health problems – illness, digestive problems, mystery lameness, skin problems, and other equine problems
  • Improve performance and show horse scores through animal communication
  • Deepen your relationship so that you both experience the joy and magic of feeling connected as a synergistic team

If you have an animal that is not doing as well as you think they might, then you owe it to them to give them a voice through animal communication.

When you take the time to listen to what your animal is trying telling you, then you can always achieve much better results.

After many years of solving problems with animals, I realized that I had created a unique proprietary system I call the HEART System(tm).

Briefly, the five key steps to solving any problem with every animal, the HEART system, are:

H – Hear:  first we need to hear your animal – invite them to tell us what’s important to them, if they’re in pain, are confused, suffered a traumatic experience, what they need

E – Evaluate:  next we need to evaluate their body, their management, their diet, their training program to be sure it’s right for them

A – Action Steps:  What action needs to happen to support them and you in creating the relationship of your dreams, to solve any behavior or training problems, to improve their health and well-being, to synchronize you with your animal so you can come into true partnership

R – Clear Resistance:  Change tends to create resistance, might feel risky, it can be emotionally charged, not logical, is fear based, yours and theirs.  If either of you is afraid, either consciously or unconsciously, then nothing you do together will be safe or easy.  So let’s clear that so you can get to the really good stuff.

T – Establish Trust:  everything you do with your animal revolves and centers on Trust.  If you’ve lost your animal’s respect, lied to them, didn’t follow through on a promise… from their viewpoint you are out of integrity and not to be trusted.  If that’s the case in your relationship, then you have some work to do to reestablish trust.  The good news is that when you know how to listen, to respect and to communicate with them, that goes a very long way in helping your animal decide if they can trust you.  And once you have trust back as a foundational part of your relationship, your animal will love you for it and will be that much better and be even more forgiving of your mistakes.  Plus, when you’re linked at the mind and heart, everything you do together gets WAY easier, is a lot more fun, and becomes a joyful experience.

I’ve covered this very briefly here.

Would you like to talk with me about how we can apply the HEART system for your pet so we can help them be their very best, avoid Professional Animal Communicator Val Heartcostly mistakes, and improve your relationship?  

Click Here For More Information 

When you Experience My System to Understanding Your Animal, You Can Stop the Expensive Guesswork That May wind up Costing Your Animal Their Life… and Empty Your Pocketbook

I only have space to talk to the first 10 people who apply, so be sure to get in as quickly as you can.

If you too feel the CALL to become a professional animal communicator, then I’d love to help you do exactly that!

Start with The Heart School of Animal Communication to build your fundamental skills, then you’ll be ready to join the next Go Pro program for students!  

Thank you for your  interest and love of animals!  Together we can make the world a better place for ALL of us.


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Animal Whisperer – How I became an Animal Whisperer and the Important Things I’ve Learned

The post How To Become a Professional Animal Communicator – My Story appeared first on Val Heart.

source https://www.valheart.com/professional-animal-communicator/