Tuesday 30 January 2018

The ultimate guide to buying a dog run

Keeping your beloved dog safe and secure should be one of your top priorities. Dog runs are the perfect solution for providing your dog with a safe and secure area to play outside. They have a number of benefits for both you and your pet and make for a worthwhile investment. Buying a dog run can prove to be a bit of a minefield, with many different factors to take into consideration including size, climate and the individual needs of both you and your dog.

Dog runs have a number of benefits for both dog and owner, including:

+ Keeping your dog safe and out of the way

+ Unlike cages, they provide your dog with plenty of space

+ Allows your dog to enjoy some fresh air

+ They can provide your dog with entertainment by filling them with toys

+ They’re a safe place to leave your dog unsupervised

When you’re thinking about buying a dog run, there are a few key points to consider. One of the most important factors to consider is the size of your dog. You want to make sure that your dog has enough space to run around and play, so the absolute minimum size of the pen should be 3ft wide, 10ft long and 6ft high.  If you’re buying a run for a puppy, it’s advisable to consider how big your dog will be when it’s fully grown so you’ll be able to get the most out of your money and not have to repurchase a run every few months.

You should also consider where your dog run will be located. You want to choose an area of your garden that doesn’t get used very often, but you also want to make sure it’s close enough that you’ll be able to easily keep an eye on your dog.

Another important consideration is the climate you live in. If you’re living in a colder, wetter climate, then you may want to consider a dog run with a roof to keep your pooch protected from the elements.

You want to make sure that the dog run is a stimulating, safe place for your dog to spend time in. To make it a fun and entertaining place for your dog, there are a number of steps you can take, including:

+ Filling it with toys and stimulating obstacles

+ Hiding treats in different areas of the run for them to seek out

+ Placing familiar toys and blankets in with them

+ Using positive reinforcement when your dog is getting used to spending time in their pen

The following infographic from Kennel Store provides you with the ultimate guide to buying a dog run to ensure you get the perfect one for your dog.


The post The ultimate guide to buying a dog run appeared first on Val Heart.

source https://www.valheart.com/ultimate-guide-buying-dog-run/

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