Friday 2 February 2018

Val Heart and Jessica Ardeal on BodyTalk Healing for Animals & People

Hi I’m Val Heart, the Real Dr Doolittle & Animal Communicator to the Stars! I’m here with my friend & BodyTalk for Animals colleague Jessica Ardeal and today, we’re talking about BodyTalk and healing animals.

BodyTalkJessica is a bulldog mum and Certified BodyTalk for Animals Practitioner, her written work has been featured alongside Dr. Wayne Dyer and for over a decade her endeavors have reached audiences worldwide, she’s received applause from Brian Tracy, Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. Katie Hendricks, Dr. Amit Goswami and many well-known personal development experts. Jessica’s company, Body Clearing, provides energy work for pets with people who are ready to take consciousness to the next level.

Listen in as Jessica answers questions about healing animals (and people too):

* How long have you been working with this healing modality?

* How do you explain how it works?

* What results have you gotten in working with BodyTalk for Animals?

* What’s the biggest benefit you see people receive from the healng work?

* What’s the most memorable experience you can think of right now in working with animals?

To learn more about Jessica, check out her website here:

Would you ever be interested in receiving a BodyTalk for Animals energy healing session?

Click here to find out how to get healing for fast relief!!

Want to find out more about Bodytalk?  Click Here! 


The post Val Heart and Jessica Ardeal on BodyTalk Healing for Animals & People appeared first on Val Heart.


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