Friday 20 July 2018

Equine Therapy – Monique Morimoto Flaherty on The Real Dr Doolittle Show™

Monique Morimoto Flaherty, MS, CPCC has made it her mission to: “Connect people and horses to transform the world”. She has a unique capacity to inspire and motivate people to discover, embrace and live from their deepest potential. Her life path has included over 20 years in the life science industry and 10 years of successful entrepreneurship as a coach and consultant.

Monique believes deeply in the capacity and drive of the human soul to love and be fully self-expressed. Her work reflects this belief and is her life’s calling.

Monique loves animals, nature and interspecies growth and learning. She has an MS in Quality Management, is a certified Co-Active Coach through the Coaches Training Institute, is a member of the International Coach Federation and was trained in equine guided coaching by Wisdom Horse Coaching and Nicole Birkholzer. She has co-authored two books and created a guided meditation CD that continues to nurture listeners’ spirits.

Listen and learn about:

* Monique’s personal journey with horses as a coach.

* What equine guided coaching is

* How it works and who can benefit

* The unique spiritual connection between women and horses

* The connection for her between animals and spirituality

* How you can learn to quiet yourself to listen better to your animals How to connect with your animal from a quiet mind

* How working with horses makes you a better person, leader, team member – for corporate training

* Children’s inherent love of animals, their unique sensitivity to them and the importance of parents paying attention and supporting them in that.

Monique says: We are all evolving together.

Our animals are part of our spiritual evolution. We see ourselves reflected in their love. That is both our animals and our own true nature- Love. The hardest lesson for us as humans is to learn that we are loveable. Our animals give us that unconditionally every day.

Listen to our Interview below!

What to do next! Get your copy of her Free Tips sheet on Quieting the Mind for A Deeper Connection to Your Animal Friend.  

Have you ever wanted to learn to communicate with animals?  Get started today with my free eBook; Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Pets

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The post Equine Therapy – Monique Morimoto Flaherty on The Real Dr Doolittle Show™ appeared first on Val Heart.


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