Thursday 10 January 2019

Coping with Loss – Chris Davis on The Real Dr. Doolittle Show™

On today’s show, Chris Davis talks about forever animals, soul work and soul bonding, coping with loss.  Chris is the award-winning author of many much-loved books.

  • We talked about her amazing forever dog, Martha, and how Martha and an Angel inspired her to write and illustrate her first book after Martha died tragically. 
  • We talked about using your Angel Eyes to hear, see and intuit life so that everything makes sense.
  • We discussed our Soul’s work together, and I shared the heartwarming and inspiring story of Sierra the Wonder Horse and the magical pennies.

This episode will touch the heart of anyone who has ever experienced the soul bonding of a forever animal soulmate companion or has been devastated by their loss. Or who may be seeking comfort and healing.

“Grief, like a wave, has a rhythm of it’s own.  At first, it comes sweeping in, then it recedes, leaving us in quiet peace with the treasures of memory, love, and strength…”

Are you dreading your pets coming transition and need help determining whether an animal is ready to pass over and how you can ease the pain and suffering?

Or are you grieving your pet who has crossed over and want help reconnecting with them?

I can help!  Please click here to sign up for a session to get more understanding

Photo by Pete Johnson from Pexels

If you found this show helpful you may also enjoy this Blog Post;

Coping with pet loss & a greater understanding of death, dying & transitions

The post Coping with Loss – Chris Davis on The Real Dr. Doolittle Show™ appeared first on Val Heart.


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