Thursday 9 May 2019

CBD for Your Pets

Do you have a dog or cat with separation anxiety? Are they afraid of thunderstorms or other loud noises? Or does your pet just seem to “go crazy” sometimes when you want them to calm down?

Maybe CTFO CBD pet products are the answer. Because all mammals have endocannabinoid systems, CBD can have a positive impact on pets as well as humans.


Studies have shown that CBD can help pets with loss of appetite, anxiety, aging, aching joints, cancer, glaucoma, inflammation, seizures, aggression and neurological disorders. If you have an older pet, CBD may put new life into them!

CTFO offers chew treats for pets CBD sprays and oils, and a pet conditioning shampoo. If your pet is “like family,” you’ll want them to have the benefits of CBD just like you do.

Imagine how fantastic it will be for your dog or cat to be completely at ease around the house, even when you need to leave for work or errands. Imagine having your older pet “come to life” again. Pets experience anxiety and stress just like we do. CBD treats and sprays can help them cope.

Click on the Oils below to see all the wonderful products for you AND your pets!


Wondering what the right dose is for your pet? This graphic can help!




Photo by Ilargian Faus from Pexels

The post CBD for Your Pets appeared first on Val Heart.


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