Friday 10 July 2020

Cat Gingivitis – Two Natural Ways to Resolve it

Cat gingivitis is more and more common all the time. But what’s interesting is, cats in the wild don’t suffer from gingivitis—if they did, they would quickly die because they wouldn’t be able to feed themselves without the veterinary care that domesticated cats enjoy.

So, in order to determine the best cures and treatments for cat gingivitis, this is the direction we need to be looking in.

What is cat gingivitis?

To put it simply, cat gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. It can occur at any age in any breed. Not only is cat gingivitis a painful problem, but it is also a big blinking sign letting you know that the overall health of your cat is not what it should be.

It’s also an indicator that the teeth are going to be a problem as well, sooner or later. They could loosen and then fall out.

Cat gingivitis sounds pretty grim. And the truth is, it is unnecessary pain and suffering that your cat doesn’t need to go through. With the following two measures, you can prevent cat gingivitis or else restore balance if it is already progressing.

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Two natural ways to prevent cat gingivitis

The first thing any natural health professional will try to do is restore a healthy immune system in your pet. Once balance is established in the whole system, everything else will slip back into a natural order, including your cat’s dental health.

  • Diet

cat eating


One of the main causes of cat gingivitis is diet. 

Diet is critical to everyone’s health, not just humans. Human diets can be shoddy at best, but at least there are some basic laws in place that govern the manufacturing and marketing of human food. 

Unfortunately, these regulations do not exist in pet food; the pet food market is a free-for-all, and anything can, and does, occur. For example:

  • preservatives that are highly toxic, despite any claims on the packet
  • high-fat products that are unusable in human food
  • low-grade meat by-products (rejects from human consumption, with questionable protein content)
  • cheap filler such as melamine, sugar or crushed nutshells

Please don’t think the processed food recommended by your veterinarian is any better.  It’s not.  Veterinarians have little formal training in cat nutrition, and are often swayed by cat food manufacturers to promote their food as a way to boost their practice’s revenue. 

Go raw!

On the other hand quality, raw meat and bones provide a cat with complete and balanced nutrition. Crunching up small raw bones keeps their teeth clean, their gums healthy and their minds happy. Dry food doesn’t come close to achieving this, despite any claims otherwise.

The truth is, cats on this diet rarely suffer from gingivitis.

  • Mercurius


While you are transitioning to a quality raw diet, your pet might need some immediate help with their cat gingivitis. The homeopathic medicine Mercurius can be used successfully in restoring healthy gums when the cat’s symptoms include:

  • red and swollen gums
  • the mouth appears dirty
  • excess salivation
  • ulceration may or may not be present
  • symptoms are worse at night

Be Aware of the Connection Between Cat Gingivitis and Vaccinosis

Vaccinations and over vaccinating can be an underlying systemic and chronic cause of gingivitis and cat gum diseases.  Until your cat has a healthy mouth, it’s a good idea to pause on their vaccinations.  In fact, one of the reasons using the homeopathic Mercurius works so well is that it helps neutralize vaccinosis problems.  

 It can be awful watching your beloved friend suffer from cat gingivitis. If you try these two natural solutions, you can help to prevent cat gingivitis from happening, and save yourself lots of time and money at the veterinarian’s office!

Author: Madeleine is a natural health consultant, specializing in homeopathy. She treats both people and animals. She is as passionate about natural, wholesome food as she is about a natural approach to health. Madeleine writes weekly ezines about how to achieve natural good health with simple, home prescribing and diet. Madeleine has been writing on natural health and homeopathy since 1997. Her hobbies include being with animals, being in nature, self-development, empowering others. She likes to be able to laugh at herself.

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This article has been updated from a previously published version.

The post Cat Gingivitis – Two Natural Ways to Resolve it appeared first on Val Heart.


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