Friday 25 September 2020

Myths About Nutritional Food For Pets

Providing your pet with a well balanced nutritious meal is a great responsibility.

It also plays a significant role in the overall animal-human bond. Keeping your pet healthy with a controlled amount of high quality, nutritional food can increase your pet’s life considerably; something all of us pet lovers want.

Unfortunately, when it comes to referring to a diet guide, there are various misconceptions that can confuse many pet owners and make them wonder what really is the ideal pet food for nutrition and health.

Most pet parents either follow their instincts as to which looks best from a marketing standpoint, buys whatever they can afford, or seeks advice from their peers.

If they blindly follow the advice of their vet who typically gets their nutrition information from the commercial pet food industry and has an incentive to sell you their food so they get a commission on the sale, that’s not good either.

Vets are simply not up to speed on proper nutrition for pets, unless they’ve done thorough research on their own.  Why?  Because the sad fact is that in vet school they only get maybe a one hour class on it during their training.  That’s not nearly enough to teach them the nuances of what’s good and what’s not good for all species.

This half baked knowledge can be misleading in ways that may end up being harmful to your furrbabies.


Every animal has different needs.

Breed, size, life stage, activities are some of the important factors to take into consideration while drafting out a diet plan.

One has to be cautious of their pet’s allergies and intolerance towards certain grains or millets. In fact, a variety of food elements, whether they are dry food, raw food or even byproducts, all have a different way of reacting in different animals.

If you want to ensure a happy healthy life for your pet, their food should be nutritious, easily digestible, and most importantly, safe.

There are some myths about pet nutrition that, unless you take the time to educate yourself, you might find yourself believing.  Rather than making dubious assumptions, it is always better to consult a specialist holistic vet who is highly trained in nutrition, or a professional animal communicator who can tell you if the food you’re feeding them is an underlying problem or not, and how to fix or improve it.

The following infographic uncovers some of the myths about pet nutrition



nutritional food myths

Ultimately, if your pet isn’t thriving on their diet, then something is wrong.

Don’t ignore the problem hoping it will go away on its own, because it won’t.  Take action now to restore your pet to health.


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All about Pet Food

The post Myths About Nutritional Food For Pets appeared first on Val Heart.


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