Friday 22 December 2017

Coping with pet loss & a greater understanding of death, dying & transitions

Val Heart Expert Animal CommunicatorHi! I’m Val Heart, The Real Dr Doolittle. My guest is Gina Triay, nominated as one of the top 5 Pet Sitters for 3 years running from Pet Sitters International! She is a gold member of the Animal Talk Coaching Club and recently lost her beagle dog Snoopy.

During the process of dying and reconnecting in the Afterlife, she experienced an extraordinary communication and understanding of death, dying, and transitions.

Today, we want to talk about that so others will know what she discovered too, to help them when they lose a pet.

Watch and learn from her insights into death, dying and the cycle of life. Perhaps we can all learn about death so it doesn’t have to feel so terrible.

If you’re ready to learn how to communicate with animals, to hear and know their wisdom yourself, then go to Start with your free copy of my ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Pets!

If you know anyone who is grieving over the loss of a pet or is dreading a coming loss, please share this with them.


You may also enjoy this post:

How to Help Your Kids Deal With the Death of a Pet

The post Coping with pet loss & a greater understanding of death, dying & transitions appeared first on Val Heart.


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