Tuesday 19 December 2017

Vampires And Dogs – Devin O’ Branagan on The Real Dr. Doolittle Show™

Author, Devin O’Branagan, includes delightful celebrity canine characters in her entertaining chick-lit novels, Red Hot Property, Red Hot Liberty, the young adult vampire novel, Glory. She also writes the metaphysical novels Spirit Warriors and Witch Hunt. Listen to our interview to find out what inspired her to write her series, and why it’s important to her to include dogs in her stories.

Devin’s cast of colorful canine characters include her own dogs as well as the late but memorable and much loved basset hound, Ross; Chance (Winner of Best in Show from Crufts and recipient of many other awards); and the celebrity actor dog, Bocker.

Bocker the Labradoodle is famous for his role in Stephen Spielberg’s movie War of the Worlds and will be featured in the new Julia Robert’s movie, Eat, Pray and Love. And I’m delighted to learn that my own genius in a dog, Einstein, will have a part in Red Hot Vampyre, the third book in the Red Hot Series.

Devin hosts fundraisers for Best Friends Society, the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the world and also supports other worthy causes for animal welfare. Enjoy the interview then be sure to get on Devin’s newsletter list so you can enter your own K9 companion in her next contest.

You can also leave us a comment on our blogs about the show: www.devinwrites.com

SHARING IS GOOD! My mission and passion is to improve the lives of animals the world over by helping humans learn how to speak their language, understand their viewpoints and heal. After all, our love of animals helps us learn how to be better humans, and the more balanced and healthy we are, the more balanced and healthy they can be too. Would you help me reach more animal lovers by passing my Podcasts, Tips and Newsletter on to your animal loving friends?


ABOUT ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: Learning animal communication is an exciting journey into the Self, the nature and reality of our world, a behind-the-scenes look at the many complex interconnections between us all, and the real truth about relationships. It’s also about discovering how to connect at deeper levels with other beings. My hope is that this course proves very useful to you in many ways. Learning to master animal communication takes a lifetime of study, practice and education. But don’t be scared! Any animal lover can learn how to talk with animals, if they’re willing to put the time and effort into learning how. You can too! Click here to view my beginning course on animal communication.


The post Vampires And Dogs – Devin O’ Branagan on The Real Dr. Doolittle Show™ appeared first on Val Heart.

source https://www.valheart.com/vampires-dogs-devin-o-branagan-real-dr-doolittle-show/

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