Friday 23 October 2020

Why Should You Opt For A Dog Day Care And Boarding In Coquitlam?

Take your dogs to daycare or leave them at home?

Having a pet with a busy lifestyle means that you are barely able to make enough time for them. Dogs are social animals and need a lot of attention. Leaving them alone at home from over 8-12 hours can make them depressed, hence the concept of dog day care has become very popular. These facilities are specially designed to cater to your pet’s needs.

The daycare is a place where dogs can interact with other pets just like them and also get trained to ensure lots of exercises. If you are someone with a busy schedule and want your dog to be taken care of just the way you do it, dog day care can be a great choice. There are many other benefits of sending your dog to daycare and boarding. Some of them have been listed below.


Gives Your Pet A Safe Space

Leaving the dog at home for a long time without supervision can be scary for most pet parents. Hence sending them to the dog day care means that they have a safe space with experienced caretakers who make sure that all the pet’s needs are taken care of. It also gives the owner peace of mind and does not make them worry about their dogs while they deal with their work or chores.

Keeps Them Active

Spending the days at daycare with fellow dogs helps keep your pet active and gives them proper exercise which they can not get at home. Also, the daycare has practice sessions for dogs to teach them new tricks which keeps them busy and occupied. These furry pets like routine, and once they get comfortable with their surroundings at the boarding facility, the routine will make them stay active and healthy.

Prevents Separation Anxiety and Boredom

Anxiety and boredom are two very common problems in dogs. Separation anxiety can lead the dogs to lash out and destroy things in the house. However, being in an open environment does not give them a chance to be lonely or anxious. Find out more about separation anxiety in dogs from this link:

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Affordable and Convenient

A lot of people think that dog daycare is costly. However, this is not the case at all. Doggy daycare is relatively cheaper than hiring a one-on-one pet sitter for your animals. Also, the hours that you send your dog to the facility can be decided according to your need.

You can make your schedule and leave the dog with the trained staff whenever you want. If you do not want to bring your dog every day, many places give an option of bringing them once or twice a week and even lets you make last-minute bookings.

Gives The Dog A Chance To Socialize

Dogs are highly social creatures and being around other dogs and humans gives them a sense of satisfaction. Also, your dog will seek attention which you will not be able to provide him if you are extremely busy. However, at the daycare, they are given ample attention and love by the trained staff. Their brains are given enough stimulation to keep them busy and social with other animals.

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It is, however, important to note that some dogs do not like to socialize much and can get irritated with the attention. Asking supervisors to keep an eye on your dog should be a safety precaution you should take. Click here to know whether doggy daycare is good for your pet.


Spending the day with fellow dogs in a happy environment can be very good for the dogs. Having a dog at home is pretty much like having a child and their happiness means the owner’s happiness. One of the things that you must keep in mind before sending your dog to the daycare or boarding house is their temperament with the other animals. Also, make sure that your dog is vaccinated and dewormed.

While choosing the daycare for your pet, make sure to read reviews online as well as try and visit them with your dog on an off day so that you can see them work with your pet in front of your eyes. With enough precaution and the right kind of daycare, you can happily leave your pet in a safe environment even if you have to work long hours.

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The post Why Should You Opt For A Dog Day Care And Boarding In Coquitlam? appeared first on Val Heart.


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