Tuesday 25 August 2020

4 Gentle Suggestions for Coping With the Loss of a Pet

As soon as you bring a pet home they immediately become an important part of your family.

You love them almost as much as your children and you would do anything for them. Most people are lucky because they get to spend many years looking after their pet, which makes their bond even stronger. Your think happily about your new addition, not worried about the far away eventuality of coping with the loss of a pet. But with no warning, your beloved pet can be taken away from you and it is is difficult, to be sure.

You may feel like someone has ripped out your heart and kicked you in the stomach repeatedly. Getting over the death of a loved one is hard, but when your pet dies it’s not any easier. Here are some of the best ways to deal with your four-legged friend’s transition.

Don’t replace them with their twin

coping with the loss of a pet twins

Many people like to get a new pet when their previous one transitions. They like the thought of having a pet they can love and cherish, which is actually a good idea because it often times bring much comport. You need to make sure you don’t try to replace your previous one with their what can appear to be their twin brother or sister. You’re getting into dangerous territory when you buy a pet that looks identical to your previous one. Some people even go as far as to call them by the same name, making it more difficult to move on from the death.

Plant a tree for them

If you want to have a place to think about your pet, then you should definitely plant a tree for them. You may choose to bury them somewhere in your garden and make a little pet tombstone for them, but you don’t need to mourn them where their body lays at rest. It’s a much more pleasant experience growing a tree in their honor and watching it get taller each year. When you are feeling nostalgic you can go and sit in front of the tree to reflect on the positive things they brought in to your life and the joy they shared with you while they graced your life.

Celebrate their life

Our pets have such a way of bringing immense joy in to our world. It seems as if they know you better than most humans. If you believe in destiny, then you have to believe that your friend belonged with you, and was meant to be a teacher, a soul guide and a loving companion. I am sure they told you repeatedly everyday how much they loved living with you and sharing your life. It showed up in a happy bark or dance, a wagging tail when you came in the door, a cuddle when you were feeling low, a kiss to let you know you were loved, or a warming that something could have been wrong.

Don’t be afraid to cry

Tears are healing, and they are one of the natural stages in dealing with grief. Acceptance is but one of the stages, of which none should be ignored. Give yourself the gift of grief. It honors the place your much loved pet held in your life, and gives you a chance to heal emotionally.

The author of today’s post, Karen Fernandes, is a freelance blogger, and an animal lover, who often writes about her ideas and experiences online. She works with with Pet Heaven NQ, a pet cemetery. She is a very friendly person and she likes to take care of stray pets that she comes across. You can follow her on Twitter for more information.

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The post 4 Gentle Suggestions for Coping With the Loss of a Pet appeared first on Val Heart.

source https://valheart.com/4-gentle-suggestions-for-handling-the-loss-of-a-much-loved-pet/

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